Spiritual Trauma

Psychological trauma is the intense impact of often unexpected events that leave a person extremely frightened, terrified and helpless. Events that cause psychological trauma are very common in society. Studies show that one in every two people has encountered such a traumatic event at some point in their lives. This disease was identified through studies conducted on survivors of the First World War and after the Vietnam War. Sadness and distress are often present in a person's life. But not every sadness creates psychological trauma. While many people experience the same trauma, why does this situation occur in some people? The risk is 2-3 times higher in women. Being a woman, having previously experienced mental trauma, having another mental or physical illness, and experiencing severe trauma increase the risk. This can be caused by insomnia, nightmares, seeing the event in your dreams over and over again, or remembering the same moments again, and these memories. When remembered, it may be accompanied by symptoms such as sweating, palpitations, and shortness of breath. People are always on edge and can sometimes overreact even to a small stimulus. Other symptoms include being easily startled, getting angry easily, not being able to plan for the future, and feeling restless in situations that remind you of the event. These symptoms can sometimes last for weeks, months or years. People's work and social lives are affected. Traumas can be individual (harassment, rape, attack on the physical integrity of oneself or a relative). violence) or may have affected a community (floods, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters). Trying to forget to cope does not work. Recovery is more common in those who seek help and have social support. Sometimes the passage of time does not mean anything, in the spiritual field, this event does not work. The day can continue as if it had happened. Treatment decisions are made according to the severity of the trauma and the findings. Individual psychotherapies, EMDR and drug treatments are the most commonly used treatments.

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