Waiting Period After Embryo Transfer

The period from the transfer process to the day of the pregnancy test is known to be the phase in which patients experience the most intense stress. Now all the procedures are over and the period in which there is nothing left to do has begun. At this stage of the treatment, women want to do something they can control regarding the outcome of the treatment, for example, they stay at home for 12 days and meet only their needs.

The important thing in this treatment, where it is not possible to completely eliminate stress, is to experience the stress level as low as possible; This is all about coping with stress in a healthy way. Below are techniques aimed specifically at relieving the stress level during the post-transfer waiting period. These techniques can be easily applied at home.

  • First, couples can make a "consolation agreement" among themselves. According to this agreement, if the treatment result is negative, they can promise to do something they had previously planned but postponed in order to get over it more easily. This does not necessarily have to be a very financially demanding plan. Couples deserve this after the difficult treatment process.

  • It is more peaceful to write down 5-10 situations for which you are grateful or grateful on a piece of paper and read them every day, from the transfer to the pregnancy test date.

  • Using relaxation techniques, which play a very helpful role in reducing the anxiety experienced during in vitro fertilization treatment, will make you feel better during this process. These relaxation techniques are divided into two: breathing techniques and muscle relaxation exercises. The main purpose of using these exercises is to automatically reduce stress by minimizing the muscle tensions that occur with stress under our own control. You can learn these exercises by contacting the psychological support unit of the center where you are treated.

  • Plan your obsession time. Staying away from stress does not mean not thinking about stressful situations and not talking about them. During the 12-day waiting period, thoughts about the procedure you have undergone will of course come to your mind from time to time, even most of the time. The important thing here is to be able to control these times. Ask yourself about your condition and treatment Allow 15-minute fixation periods, three times a day, every day to engage in thoughts about yourself. In this 15 minutes, you can think about any emotions or behavioral changes that this situation has created in you, write about it or share it with your partner. It is very important that you do an activity you enjoy after these 15 minutes are over. Watching movies, reading books, cooking, walking, walking on the beach, doing handicrafts, doing puzzles, surfing the internet, etc. etc. It is much more useful to determine these obsession times in hours. If negative thoughts about your treatment come to your mind outside the hours you set, stop yourself, remind yourself that you have the right to think about it only at the time you set, and direct your attention to another activity.

  • It has not been scientifically proven that spending 12 days lying in bed has any effect on the outcome of treatment. Therefore, going through this process lying down will constantly remind you of the procedures you have undergone and increase your stress level. Instead, resting for the first two days after the transfer and returning to your routine life on the other days will help you experience less psychological distress.

  • During this waiting period, your attention may turn to your feelings from time to time. These may cause you to make unrealistic comments about the result. Remember that our feelings do not always lead to realistic results. In other words, being afraid that the plane will crash or feeling that the plane will crash will not cause that plane to crash. Whether or not you feel pregnancy symptoms may cause you to misinterpret the result. Do not be fooled by these symptoms, it is normal to feel different symptoms due to the effects of the medications.

  • Prepare yourself an activity plan for the 12-day waiting period after the transfer. Have something to keep you busy every day. Determine activities that can be done at home, not necessarily outside.

  • Get a diary that you can use, especially during times of obsession. Write your feelings and thoughts in this diary. It does not necessarily have to consist of correct sentences. Just write... Write to your unborn baby what your efforts were to achieve it, how you feel. who the hell Maybe this diary will be a very nice gift that you can give to him in the future. Experience whatever emotions you feel at that moment, cry if you want to cry… 

  • Restructure the negative thoughts that come to your mind with more logical ones. It would be more realistic to say "I did everything I could to get pregnant, I can't predict the outcome of the treatment" instead of "I will never be able to get pregnant" or "I have a feeling that I can't".

  •  Finally, do not take a pregnancy test until the day of the test. This may prevent you from obtaining a reliable result.

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