There are some tests to determine whether your child has hearing loss. Before applying for these tests
, the issues that increase the risk of hearing loss should be known.
Could infections during pregnancy be related to the child's hearing?
Some virus infections, especially rubella, may cause congenital hearing loss.
Additionally, drugs used unconsciously can also cause the same result.
In what cases should we suspect hearing loss in a newborn child (up to the first month)?
If there is low birth weight. (1500 grams and below)
If he/she has had meningitis
If blood exchange has been applied or inappropriate medications have been used due to jaundice
If there is an abnormality in facial appearance and ears
If he/she has been in intensive care for more than 1 week, hearing loss This means that the risk of loss of life has increased.
What issues should be paid attention to up to 6 months after the neonatal period?
Whether he/she has had a disease such as meningitis or a head trauma (hitting his/her head - falling), neurological
whether he has a disorder, in addition to careless use of antibiotics,
If he does not react to noise
If he does not turn his head towards your voice
If he does not imitate sounds
If fluid collects in the ear or frequent middle ear infections occur, varying degrees Hearing loss may have developed
(more common after 6 months).
Children between 6 months and 1 year old should be able to make speech sounds and point to familiar objects and people when asked.
1-2 years old What are the factors that make you think of hearing loss in children between ages?
If they are insensitive to sounds, if they are slower than children of the same age in terms of speech, if it is necessary to turn up the television volume, and if they have frequently recurring middle ear problems. Hearing loss should be suspected.
What should be done?
Hearing test performed in the first days after birth to determine whether there is congenital hearing loss is a routine practice in many developed countries. Hearing tests do not harm the child. In later
periods, when you are in doubt, you should have the tests your doctor deems appropriate after the ENT examination. Early onset hearing loss also causes speech problems in the child. The growth of communication problems also negatively affects the child's psychological development.
Early intervention always helps the child overcome this problem more easily. Surgery, hearing aids and/or speech therapy are applied to patients who require
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