Language Development in Children

He starts talking to some children more quickly than to some children. This situation may lead many families to think differently. Generally, children are expected to have acquired language and speaking skills that are hierarchically appropriate to their developmental level. There are some expected time periods for the healthy completion of language development in the child. For example, babies babbling from the 3rd month onwards and babbling from the 6th month onwards show that this process continues normally. Later, a baby who is 12 months old, that is, 1 year old, should be able to say a few words. By the time he reaches his 18th month, he should be able to say 50-60 words. By the age of 2, he/she should be able to say a few simple 2-word sentences. When he is 3 years old, he should be able to use language developmentally, explain his problems and use 2-3 word sentences easily, and at the same time, he should be able to take commands. An example of this is understanding what his parents or someone else says.

But for all this to happen, the child must have acquired the ability to hear. A child who has hearing problems may have difficulty in acquiring language and speaking skills or may not be able to acquire the ability to speak at all. It is understood that the child is experiencing hearing problems or disabilities through the "audiometer", that is, the person's reactions to auditory stimuli. Taking precautions or treatment at very early stages helps the child reach the same developmental level as his or her peers. A child who understands, hears, can implement what is said, and makes eye contact may start speaking developmentally later than his peers. In such cases, professional support must be sought for children.

In addition to language development and the acquisition of speaking skills, the child is making eye contact with other individuals, evaluating and understanding what is said to him, playing games, and trying to establish friendships. It is very important. Speaking skills may sometimes start late in some children, so looking at these criteria creates the idea that the child will be able to speak over time. When a child cannot acquire speaking skills, social adaptation may be low. He acts more irritably because he cannot speak freely or explain his problems. is. Generally, while some families treat the issue meticulously and take precautions at an early stage, some families express that they also speak late and may be late in taking the issue seriously. However, the acquisition of speech and language skills is different for some children. In this regard, children should be evaluated by taking their own developmental stages into consideration.

      What can be done easily to advance language development and gain speaking skills in children are as follows. In order to acquire the language, it is necessary to establish eye contact with the baby, talk constantly, and explain daily events while talking. As the baby grows and becomes more active, it is important to read simple and illustrated stories every night and depict the heroes in the story. Families should not immediately fulfill their children's wishes, but should create opportunities for them to express their wishes. For example, starting from the age of 2, it is more appropriate to wait for the child to ask for water instead of giving it water just because it wants water. After the age of 3, talking about daily events, asking what he is doing, and answering his questions patiently are important elements that increase the child's language productivity.


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