You are faced with the threat of hemorrhoids if you have frequent constipation, eat low-fiber foods, or work sitting at a desk. This common disorder is experienced by 3 out of every 4 people. People with busy work and social lives, the middle age group, pregnant women and It can be seen at almost any age. Liv Hospital Samsun General Surgery Specialist Op.Dr. Kadir Yıldırım made important warnings about hemorrhoids.

The biggest reason why our patients do not receive treatment for such a common disease is the feeling of embarrassment. Approximately 80% of the patients I examined and performed the procedure on said, 'Doctor, I have come this far, but I have only been examined. There are hundreds or even thousands of people who endure living with this disease just for this reason.


Do I have cancer?

One of the questions that comes to patients' minds when they see fresh blood in the toilet during defecation is 'Do I have cancer?' While patients continue to live with hemorrhoids because of their embarrassment, when their complaints do not go away, the deep-seated fear of cancer pushes them and eventually they go to the doctor.

The most common cause of hemorrhoids is constipation and long periods of time. staying on the toilet for a long time

The dilation, swelling and palpability of the blood vessels in the anal area due to pressure, trauma, etc. is often known as hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) disease in the society. The main causes are constipation and long-term straining. and spending long periods of time in the toilet. In addition to these, pregnancy, decreased bowel movements, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, genetics and old age can also be cited as the causes of this disorder.


We do not operate on every hemorrhoid


Rectal examination and anoscopy are performed to diagnose hemorrhoids. If there is bleeding, rectoscopy is recommended. For individuals over the age of fifty, colonoscopy is recommended and only Since even hemorrhoids can be a symptom of colon cancer, it is also checked to see if there is a tumor.

Early stage hemorrhoids can be treated with painless methods such as band ligation and infrared laser, which are in office conditions and do not require hospitalization. Surgery in later stages In cases where hemorrhoids are inevitable, operations using advanced technologies such as ultrasonic dissector, laser, stapler hemorrhoidopexy are now preferred instead of classical surgery. To prevent the formation of hemorrhoids or to prevent their recurrence, Dr. Yıldırım's suggestions are as follows:


Live a healthy life.

Choose foods rich in fiber and eat mostly vegetables and fruits.

Avoid consuming spicy foods, tomatoes and pickles.

Do sports and exercise.

Pay attention to your toilet hygiene and habits.

Long-term If you work sitting or standing, take a break every two hours.


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