When should the first orthodontic examination be performed in children?
Jaw disorders are treated by directing the growth of the patients. With removable appliances attached inside and outside the mouth, the growth of the lower and upper jaw in certain directions is accelerated or slowed down and jaw positions are corrected. Therefore, the first orthodontic examination should be performed between the ages of 6-8 for early diagnosis.
What are the causes of orthodontic disorders?
There are many environmental and genetic causes of dental and skeletal disorders. has. The most important cause of dental orthodontic disorders is premature loss of primary teeth. Therefore, caries in all teeth, including milk teeth, should be treated as soon as possible. In case of early loss of milk teeth, a space maintainer should be applied to protect the extraction space and regain the lost functions.
Are there any practices to increase the resistance of milk teeth to decay?
Fluoride is an important mineral for dental and bone health. It increases the tooth's resistance to tooth decay. It has a 50-70% role in reducing tooth decay. Topical fluorides are effective in children with high risk of caries, medical problems, and children who eat sugary snacks frequently. Topical fluoride should be applied regularly by specialists during childhood.
Do habits such as thumb sucking, pacifier and bottle use cause orthodontic disorder?
Thumb sucking, pacifier use Abnormal pressure habits such as bottle use and bottle use can cause jaw disorders when continued for a long time. Children who cannot break these habits between the ages of 2-4 with the help of their parents are treated in 3-6 months using habit-breaking appliances.
Can orthodontic treatments be applied at any age?
Dental orthodontic disorders are treated at all ages. Fixed orthodontic treatment can be applied at any age when the tooth and the soft tissues and gums around the tooth are healthy. Apart from metal brackets, we also offer our adult patients aesthetic bracket options and treatment options applied to the back surfaces of the teeth, called lingual orthodontics.
How long does orthodontic treatment take?
The average duration of orthodontic treatment is 18 months for dental cases. Since skeletal cases are treated in teeth after correcting the jaw positions in two stages, the treatment period is approximately 3 years. The treatment takes a long time because the teeth are corrected every month with 1-1.5 mm movements that will not damage the biological tissues.
Is there any deterioration in the teeth after orthodontic treatment?
When orthodontic treatment is completed, the teeth are very mobile. Since the teeth are moved within the jawbone during the treatment, it requires a process for the bone to re-mineralize and harden. In this process, wires or transparent plates called retainers are used behind the teeth to prevent them from deteriorating.
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