Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. This inflammation may be due to infectious agents or other causes. Prostatitis is the most common prostate problem in men under the age of 50, and 10-15% of men experience prostatitis at some point in their lives. Prostatitis can occur as an acute disease or a chronic condition.
Acute bacterial prostatitis.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis.
Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
-Nonbacterial prostatitis with inflammation
-Non-inflammation non-bacterial prostatitis.
4- Asymptomatic prostate inflammation.
Acute bacterial prostatitis: It is a bacterial infection of the prostate and occurs suddenly with flu-like symptoms. Patients have high fever, chills, pelvic pain, frequent urination, sudden feeling of urgency, burning sensation during urination, and weakness. Most patients have difficulty urinating. Inpatient treatment through a vein may be required. Then, oral drug treatment should be continued for 2-4 weeks.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis:Burning during urination, frequent urination day and night,bladder, penis. Pain between the testicles and the root of the penis and the anus, pain during intercourse or ejaculation. There is no fire. These complaints may recur from time to time for long periods of time. Urinalysis and urine culture come back clean, examination or culture of prostate fluid makes the diagnosis. Its treatment is problematic. 4-8 weeks of treatment with prostate-specific drugs may be required.
Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome: It is the most common prostatitis syndrome. It is inflammation of the prostate for an unknown reason. Just like chronic bacterial prostate, there are symptoms such as pain, frequent urination, sudden feeling of urgency, and burning sensation while urinating. Cultures of prostate fluid are negative; there may or may not be signs of inflammation (leukocytes) in the fluid. It may be caused by some microorganisms that cannot be produced in culture, so long-term medications can be administered. Prostate massage may be beneficial.
In addition to drug therapy in chronic prostatitis, hot sitz baths, diet, coffee and alcohol restriction may be beneficial.
Asymptomatic pros. Taste inflammation:Patients do not have any complaints, but inflammation is detected during tests performed for other reasons (infertility, prostate cancer, etc.), there are leukocytes in the semen or prostate fluid, but the patient does not have any complaints or discomfort, there is no infection.
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