Between 12-36 months is the period when children tend to explore both their environment and the world. This
period; They want everything to belong to them. Well; Both the mother and the father and the toys belong to him.
If he has a sibling, he may have serious problems sharing these things. Doesn't like sharing; It is a period of imaginary play. He can talk and play games by himself. He wants everything to belong to him. As we realize that this is not possible; He cannot accept it and gets angry easily, shouts and screams.
The child experiencing 2-year-old syndrome; He is impatient and stubborn. At the same time, sexual identity formation has begun. He begins to distinguish between men and women; In fact, he takes the same gender in the family as an example for himself and tends to dress and behave like them.
He has certain characteristics in his physical, mental, language, social, emotional and sexual development. He jumps, jumps, runs and is in motion. This period child; He can climb the stairs alone, walk on tiptoe, wash and dry his hands.
How can it be understood that our child is experiencing 2-year-old syndrome?
Not wanting to eat, whatever is said is the opposite. Complaints such as being unruly, disobedient, hitting parents, throwing oneself on the ground, hitting one's head may indicate two-year-old syndrome. Knowing these features and knowing that they are temporary is a thought that will comfort you parents.
Do not do these to your child who is experiencing 2-year-old syndrome;
1. Do not punish your child, do not blame him, do not insult him by calling him a "bad child".
2. Do not inhibit his anger; Because an area to reflect his anger is absolutely necessary.
3. Avoid long explanations; because he will not get the message given in long explanations; will be bored.
4. Don't prevent him from asking questions. Don't say the word "no" often. Because the child will not understand "no". It is said no, but is it valid now, is it valid later, etc. Nothing concrete will occur in his mind.
You can do these to your child who you realize is experiencing 2-year-old syndrome;
1. Try to be creative in diverting his attention in situations where he is stubborn or when he gets stuck.
2. Offer him alternative options.
3. Create spaces where one can be free n; He should be able to express himself so that he can reflect his emotions in a healthy way.
4. Let him touch objects easily, so that he will not be harmed.
5. Provide opportunities for him to discharge his energy.
6. Spend time and share as a family.
7. However, if it becomes a situation that you cannot cope with, I recommend you get play therapy support.
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