Nasal Polyps

Polyp is a chronic inflammation that occurs in the form of an edematous sac in the lateral nasal wall and ethmoid mucosa. The incidence of polyps increases after the age of 20. Its appearance is pale, fluid-filled mass. Causes include mucosal contact; In other words, it is the swelling of a mucosa due to infection. Stenosis in the nose increases this swelling. Infection, allergy, and aspirin sensitivity narrow these areas further and contribute to the formation of polyps. The incidence of allergy has been detected in only 30% of patients with polyps. Acute upper respiratory tract infections cause polyps to grow. Polyps are also seen in fungal sinusitis. Medical or surgical treatment of nasal polyp definitely reduces asthma symptoms. Polyps are usually multiple and bilateral. Patients with polyps have complaints of nasal congestion, clear and yellow-green nasal discharge, impaired smell, hoarse voice, and facial pain. While trying to breathe through the nose, they feel the polyp moving inside the nose. There are even polyps protruding from the tip of the nose. Diagnosis is made by endoscopic nasal examination and paranasal sinus CT. Nasal polyp treatment is medical and surgical. The success rate with endoscopic sinus surgery is high. However, recurrences are encountered in some cases. Relapse after a well-performed surgery does not mean failure; It is a feature of the disease.

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