Eating Disorders: “Anorexia Nervosa”, “Bulimia” and “Binge Eating Disorder”

Eating disorders are persistent and severe disorders in eating behavior, regardless of any medical condition. It can be defined as the behavior of keeping weight under control to the extent that it disrupts physical health and psychosocial functions (Fairburn, 2001, cited in Klein and Walsh, 2003).

There are 2 main types:

Anorexia Nervosa (AN): Refusal to maintain the lowest body weight considered normal, need to lose more weight and fear of gaining weight

Blumia Nervosa (BN) : Disorder in which repeated binge eating attacks are followed by methods that prevent weight gain. There are inappropriate behaviors such as making oneself vomit, not eating at all, or the use of drugs such as laxatives, diuretics and enemas.

Binge Eating Disorder:

It consists of repeated overeating attacks. but unlike Blumia, these attacks are not followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors that will prevent weight gain (Klein,Walsh, 2003).


The word anorexia comes from Greek. An: deficiency; orexis: means appetite. In the past, it was used to describe a person's loss of appetite in cases of headache, cancer or depression. It also has the meaning of reaction to pain.

The contradiction is; People with anorexia do not experience loss of appetite. On the contrary, their desire to eat is excessive, they constantly think and dream about eating.

Blumia Nervosa: It is of Latin origin. It means "the hunger of the ox" (Costin, 1999).

Aneroxia Nervosa, was first described in the medical literature in 1870 and its content is;

AN is divided into two subtypes.

These subtypes are used to indicate the presence or absence of regular binge eating or purging during the current Anorexia episode.

  • Restricted Type: During the current episode of AN, the person regularly binges or purses (e.g. self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives,
  • Binge Eating/Vomiting (Purging) Type: During the current episode of AN, the person has exhibited regular binge eating or purging behavior.

    These subtypes are used to indicate the presence or absence of regular use of purging methods to balance binge eating.



    Unlike bulimia, the primary problem in some people is binge eating.

    The reason is not avoiding weight gain or restricted eating behavior. Afterwards, compensatory behaviors such as vomiting are not observed.

    Binge eating episodes consist of three (or three) of the following:

  • Eating much faster than usual
  • Eating uncomfortably “full” (until you feel stuffed)
  • Physical Eating large amounts without feeling hungry
  • Eating alone due to embarrassment of eating too much
  • Feeling self-disgust, depressed, or guilty after overeating
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