The Role of Environmental Stimuli in the Baby's Brain Development

The brain can develop depending on experience and learning. It is the emotional stimuli coming from the environment that enable this development.

The study that proves this is the study carried out by Bloom and Lazerson in 1988 in an orphanage in Iran where homeless children were cared for. Children here spend their days in the cradle without being taken out of bed completely in their first year of life, and are only picked up for bathing every two days. Feeding was done in bed with a bottle propped on the bed. Normally, babies can sit at 9 months and walk at the latest at 2 years of age, but the babies here can sit at the age of 2, and very few of them start walking at the age of 3.

Normally, when babies are held in their arms, they not only receive emotional and social stimuli, but also their nerves and muscles are stimulated. It is possible. The baby is held in various shapes and positions and learns to adapt to this with his body. Seeing objects from different angles, pressure and touch applied to the body, gives many stimuli to the brain at the same time, allowing it to develop. (Öktem, 2006, p34-35)

The brain consists of nerve cells and the connections between them. The brain works with the electrical transmission in the connections between these cells. When babies are born, there are more than enough nerve cells and connections between them in their brains. So every child is born smart. If these cells and connections are not used, they will atrophy and disappear over time. Nerve cells are not regenerated. For example, if a baby who normally sees both eyes only has a cataract, that is, a layer in front of his eye, it is detected early and the cataract is removed, he will see the eye without any problems. But if it is detected late and the child cannot see for months, he or she will become blind even if the same surgery is performed. Because unused optic nerves lose their function. Brain cells and connections decrease in children who receive insufficient physical, sensory and emotional stimulation. But children who are constantly taken care of, talked to, held in arms, shown love, listened to music, taken around, and seen different environments and people, their brains develop, cells and connections are protected, and they become smarter because they receive constant stimulation. In the first 7 years of age, the child's brain reaches 90% of that of an adult. (ömeroğlu, Ulutaş, 2007 p25) So, 0-7 age education is very important for intelligence development.

In other words, it is WRONG to say "don't hold it, don't let it get used to it".

With this sentence, grandmothers are told, b Happy birthday to our grandfathers, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters. But there is an issue that needs attention here. Babies do not yet know many viruses and bacteria in the world, they have not encountered them before. Many microorganisms that we carry, that we know and do not make us sick, are foreign to him and can make us sick. For this reason, those who are sick should never approach the baby. They should not kiss people who are not sick but are hugging them. It is preferable to have washed hands.

A woman who had not had a baby for 14 years and later had a baby with treatment, brought her baby with pneumonia when she was 1 month old. When I asked how this happened, he said that the whole village came to visit, that he was a regular guest in the house, and that they took the child from hand to hand.

I think it is not right for people other than family members to love the baby by holding and kissing it like this. It is not only not right, but also dangerous, for visitors to make the baby perform various movements between eyebrows and eyes, without permission from the parents, with the excuse that "the baby's file is missing" or "he should not have a short neck". You can protect your cat and your baby from an annoying event by not allowing these in the first place.

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