Last weekend, we left behind Valentine's Day, which is the day that divides almost the whole world and our country into two separate thoughts every year. In this column, I will talk about what Valentine's Day is and what people think about this day, for those who do not know or have not researched it before. I will talk about how to approach this and similar situations. First of all, let's look at what this "Valentine's Day" is. February 14 of every year is a special day celebrated in many countries. This day, which has its origins in the belief of the Roman Catholic Church, emerged as a feast day declared in the name of a clergyman named Valentine. For this reason, in some societies "St. Valentine's Day" English: St. It is known as Valentine's Day. The word Valentine is also used in Western civilizations to mean a person or lover.
So why is February 14?
The connection between romantic love and Valentine is first seen in sources from the 14th century. According to the book Parlement of Foules dated 1381, February 14 was traditionally known as the mating day of birds in France and England. Because of this feature of the day, lovers gave each other notes with beautiful words and addressed each other as Valentine in these notes. My readers who research more deeply will see that there were some similar celebration attempts before the 14th century. Unfortunately, I cannot go that deep into the subject in my column. In addition, I can only give this information. February 14 became a social movement after American Esther Howland sent the first Valentine's Day card in the 1800s. I think we will experience this awareness from brief historical information. The day in question was yesterday It hasn't started, it won't end tomorrow. I think at this point, I can touch upon the mindsets that I will examine in the two main groups I mentioned at the beginning of my article.
1.General Thought:” Forget such special days. These are all games of the capitalist order.”
2.General Thought:” What a meaningful day. It is the day when we remember our lovers and loved ones."
I'm sure you've often heard very similar sentences, or maybe you defend one of them. Personally, I find both mindsets logical in themselves. One is a materialist approach, the other is a very romantic approach, in my opinion. And No approach should be called absurd, so that we can reach the beauty of living together with differences. 
Let's let those who want to do special events for these days, those who don't want to, don't. Let's respect each of them as our human duty, even if it doesn't suit us...
Best regards...


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