Each subtest in the scale was developed to measure a different ability. Wisc-R is an intelligence test administered to only one person in a single session, lasting one to one and a half hours, under the supervision of an expert. It is applied to individuals between the ages of 6-16 and is used to determine the mental performance of individuals in these age groups. Our test consists of two parts, verbal and performance, and six subtests, one backup and five main tests in each part. If any subtest cannot be applied, a substitute test is applied from the section to which the unapplicable subtest belongs. As a result of our test, evaluation results of our individual's three intelligence sections: verbal, performance and general are obtained.
a. General Knowledge: It shows the general cultural repertoire and language usage skills gained through learning. The level of knowledge is measured by three components of memory; It is a subtest that evaluates encoding, storage and retrieval and shows the knowledge level of long-term memory.
b. Judgment: It enables us to discover practical knowledge, social judgment, organizing information, and adaptation to social life skills. It is a subtest that helps us understand the reasoning ability, social reasoning, acting in accordance with reality, and the emotional and logical maturity of the individual.
c. Arithmetic: It is a subtest that helps reveal the ability to concentrate attention on a problem.
d. Similarities: Allows us to achieve abstraction and concept formation abilities. Since it measures conceptual and logical judgment skills, categorization and associative thinking abilities, it is a subtest that requires inhibition of habits and abstraction. Being able to think abstractly is important.
e. Vocabulary: It is a subtest that shows language skills in the number of words and the way they define them.
f. Digit Span: It is a subtest that shows the ability to remember verbal-auditory stimuli and attention abilities.
a. Picture Completion: It is a test of visual perception and discrimination ability.
& nbsp;b. Picture Editing: It is a subtest related to the ability to perceive the sequence of events, establish cause-effect relationships, reasoning power, attention, seeing part-whole relationships, and sensing the relationship between the parts of the story.
c. Pattern with Cubes: It is a subtest that measures visual discrimination (analysis), visual organization (synthesis) ability and ability to make three-dimensional synthesis by analyzing two-dimensional shape.
d. Part Assembling: This is a subtest related to visual-motor coordination, ability to perceive the shape-part relationship, and ability to synthesize.
e. Password: It is a subtest that measures working speed, visual-motor coordination, ability to sequence visual stimuli, attention, perfectionism, strength of hand muscles, ability to process complex stimuli, visual discrimination.
f. Mazes: It is a subtest that reveals attention, visual-motor coordination and planning abilities.
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