How Can We Protect Stomach and Intestinal Health During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a very special and beautiful period for mothers. This special period causes many changes in the mother. Most of these changes occur in the digestive system. If lifestyle changes are not made in response to the changes in the digestive system, expectant mothers may encounter many problems. Problems encountered can make this beautiful pregnancy process unbearable for expectant mothers.

Going through the pregnancy process in a healthy way is very important for the health of mother and baby. In order to go through this process healthily, it is necessary to have a healthy digestive system. A healthy digestive system also means a strong immune system.

Many hormonal changes occur during pregnancy. The uterus is also growing so that the baby can grow inside it. These hormonal changes, the pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach and intestines, and the lack of movement caused by weight gain cause various stomach and intestinal problems.

The main problems are; nausea, vomiting, heartburn and sourness, constipation, indigestion, bloating, reflux, gas problems, gallbladder problems. All these gastrointestinal problems I wrote about are in the mother; It can cause many conditions that reduce the quality of life, such as inadequate nutrition, not being able to benefit from enough nutrients, and physical pain and suffering. This means that mothers should pay extra attention to their nutrition during pregnancy. Because the key to gastrointestinal health is a healthy diet.

One of the most important organs of the digestive system is undoubtedly the intestines, which we also know as the second brain. Intestinal health is very important for physical and mental health. In short, we can say that the healthier our intestines are, the better we feel. Headaches, emotional fluctuations, poor memory, etc. An unhealthy gut may underlie many symptoms. The most basic rule in intestinal health is to keep the intestinal flora healthy. It is known that unhealthy intestinal flora is associated with many diseases, from diabetes to obesity, from chronic fatigue to depression. Beneficial nutrients in the intestine to keep the intestinal flora healthy It is necessary to increase the bacteria. It is possible to increase these beneficial bacteria through nutrition.

General recommendations for a healthy digestive system during pregnancy:


A healthy digestive system during pregnancy Foods that should be consumed for:


Foods that should not be consumed or should be restricted for a healthy digestive system during pregnancy:

  • Hot pepper: It may cause burning in the stomach.

  • Chocolate: It may increase reflux complaints.

  • Milk: It may cause complaints such as bloating, gas and cramps in people with lactose intolerance. Yogurt or kefir can be consumed instead of milk.

  • Foods that cause gas: Examples of these foods are legumes, vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. can be given as an example. However, although these foods are gas-causing, they are very useful foods that have an important place in a healthy diet. For this reason, it would be better to limit it rather than not consuming it at all. It should not be consumed if it causes serious problems.

  • Onion, garlic, leek: Although these foods contain many nutrients that are beneficial for the body, they may cause heartburn. In this case, it may be necessary to limit its consumption.

  • Excessive fatty and spicy foods: It may increase complaints such as heartburn and nausea.

  • Unripe banana: Since it is more difficult to digest, it may cause complaints such as indigestion and gas.

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