We can list the personality traits that predispose to depression as follows;
- Excessive sense of responsibility: People who have a sense of excessive responsibility, try to help everyone in their family and friends circle, and are under every burden are more prone to depression.
- Meticulousness, perfectionism: People who are meticulous, scrupulously scrutinized, and try to make the work they have done perfectly fall into depression more often. Because these people are always busy. They always think about how they can better fulfill their responsibilities. There is no such thing as perfect in life. Extremely meticulous and perfectionist people set high goals for themselves and become disappointed when they can't reach them.
- Expecting too much from themselves and others: Some people expect excessive love from their environment. Some people's expectations of love are so high that no one has the capacity to meet it. Especially those who have not received enough affection from their families and those who have a traumatic past expect too much from their loved ones, almost trying to meet their needs that were not met in their childhood through their spouses. This situation may overwhelm his wife, cause his wife to become alienated from him and deteriorate their relationship.
- Trying not to hurt anyone, to please everyone: We do not say, “If you do good, you can get depressed”. Not being able to say no is a major cause of depression. Because some people can't say "no", they have to do a lot of things they don't like to do.
- Insecurity: Insecure people can see their failures, forget what they have accomplished in the past. These people often stay away from the opposite sex for fear of rejection. In order to please the opposite sex, the person behaves differently than he is.
- Skepticism, distrust of people: How can a man who can't get over the possibility of being cheated on by his wife build a happy home? Skeptical people are more depressed.
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