Dear clients, as someone who has been working on this issue for about 20 years and is specially trained in this field, I found it appropriate to make a summary about vaginismus treatments.
Common features of thousands of our clients; Most of them have previously tried numbing creams, botox, sexual intercourse under anesthesia, or sexual therapies, but have failed. Classical therapy books write that previous treatment attempts made “half-heartedly” or by non-experts reduce the chance of the next treatment. For this reason, most of our clients apply to us with fear, anxiety or discouragement.
Yes, after this pessimistic introduction, almost all of our clients who apply with good news, faith, determination and a good spouse relationship solve the problem in an average of 5 sessions. I must emphasize that you have overcome it.
I would like to emphasize that any treatment method performed with impatience, without taking responsibility, with the mentality of "I'll get rid of it once it's over" is not successful, and even if it is successful, the results are not permanent. It is inevitable for every woman who says "This sexuality is mine, this vagina is mine and I will overcome it" to achieve success.
Sessions with a trained specialist provide a simple, practical and permanent solution.
During therapy. There is no pain, bleeding, or loss of control; all control is with the woman with vaginismus until months after intercourse.
The treatment is over 90 percent successful with simple techniques to remove subconscious conditioning, motivational techniques, gradual transition exercises and muscle exercises. results will be achieved.
My suggestion is don't take it easy, be determined and take responsibility. Don't let previous unsuccessful attempts discourage you. Vaginismus with the right therapy; It can be included in “sexual problems that are easy to treat”.
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