Proper nutrition means a balanced diet in which your body receives the nutrients it needs to be healthy. If your diet is low in the nutrients your body needs, your mouth may have difficulty resisting a possible infection. This can cause gum disease and tooth decay in adults. Foods containing high levels of carbohydrates, sugar and starch play an important role in the formation of bacterial plaque acids that attack tooth enamel. These acids can soften tooth enamel and cause cavities. Almost all foods contain some form of sugar, including dairy and vegetables. But since these foods also contain important nutrients, they are essential for a healthy diet. To help keep the amount of sugar you consume under control, carefully read the labels on food packages and packages and choose foods and drinks with low sugar supplements.
For a balanced diet, consume a variety of foods from the five main food groups. Reduce the number of your meals. If you are having snacks, choose fruits, nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, peanuts), dried apricots, milk, yoghurt or cheese, and raw vegetables. At the same time, these foods, which have high vitamin, protein and calcium content, are very important for the development of teeth and protection against tooth decay. And remember, foods consumed as part of the main meal cause less harm. The saliva released helps clean food residues from your mouth and reduces the negative effects of acid.
The most important mineral in maintaining dental health, starting from the womb, is calcium. Therefore, attention should be paid to adequate calcium intake. Milk, yoghurt, cheese, kefir and dark green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. There are publications proving that adequate intake of fluoride at the age of 0-3 prevents future tooth decay. Fluoride uptake occurs with water. Adequate intake of fluoride during this period increases the resistance of teeth to decay.
Foods such as eggs, milk, cheese and molasses, which have high nutritional value and play an important role in tooth development and protection of teeth from decay, should be included in breakfast. In particular, cheese helps to alkalize the acidic oral environment during meals and protects the teeth. It has an important role in cleaning the skin. Cheese helps prevent tooth decay by reducing the acidity in the mouth thanks to the calcium phosphate it contains, and milk and yoghurt help prevent tooth decay thanks to the calcium and casein they contain. Therefore, in cases where teeth cannot be brushed after breakfast, eating cheese last has a great effect on protecting against tooth decay. Eating fast food for main meals has great negative effects on oral and dental health. Therefore, the consumption of such foods, as well as cola drinks, should be restricted. In order to maintain oral and dental health, it is necessary to consume foods such as fish, chicken and meat alternately with green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and purslane.
Foods such as chips, candy, chocolate, biscuits, pastries and cakes. Consuming them instead of main meals and in large amounts should be prevented. Especially children can easily access such foods from school canteens during the day. Therefore, families have a great responsibility at this point.
Eating hard foods such as apples, carrots and quince by biting strengthens the gums and also provides mechanical cleaning of the teeth. Be careful to bite these types of fruits. Try to drink water after meals or a snack. It not only reduces the transfer of food colors to your tooth enamel, but also helps maintain oral acidity. Peanuts are among the snack foods that are considered tooth-friendly due to the phosphate they contain. Unrefined cereals (whole wheat brown bread instead of white flour bread) should be preferred for dental health.
If you consume alcoholic beverages, lighter ones should be preferred.
Light drinks or tea and coffee with added sugar. The use of sugar-containing drinks such as chocolate, cocoa and lemonade should be restricted. Fruit juices also cause cavities because they contain natural sugar.
Such drinks should not be consumed for too long during the day and the amount should be limited. A bottle of soda consumed immediately after a meal is better than a bottle of soda two hours later because the teeth interact with the acid for less time.
Chewing sugar-free gum containing xylitol reduces the risk of cavities. D In addition to cleaning the food stuck on the teeth from the teeth, it helps dissolve acids by increasing the flow rate of saliva. Xylitol can also be consumed during the day.
Tea: Although it is a healthy drink, tea consumed constantly, especially in the office, leaves teeth with stains. Herbal teas can be preferred instead. However, with excessive consumption, these teas can damage tooth enamel and leave stains.
Energy Drinks: Energy drinks leave color on both the teeth and the tongue.
Sauces: Whether on pasta or with meat. Especially tomato sauces leave stains on the teeth. You can get rid of this problem by choosing creamy sauces for special dinners or invitations.
Soda and Cola: The acid and chromogen contained in these drinks can damage tooth enamel and cause permanent stains.
1-You can reduce the formation of stains, especially by keeping acidic drinks in your mouth for a short time, ensuring that your teeth are less damaged by acid.
2-Hard and It is very important to eat nuts and fruits by chewing them slowly. In this way, we prevent damage to tooth enamel and reduce discoloration.
3-Be careful to rinse your mouth with water after consuming food or drinks that cause discoloration.
4-Brush your teeth immediately after acidic drinks. don't do it. This will cause the tooth enamel to thin.
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