Is Success Achieved by Talent or Desire?

One of the most basic needs of the human race is the need for success. Every person wants to be successful. No business is started to fail. There is no one who is mentally healthy who starts something with the goal of starting something and failing terribly, or doing something like that and being disgraced. Because human nature is not suitable for this. According to McClelland, there are three basic acquired needs; success, power and belonging. Among these, the need for success is the most dominant. Even if a person does something negative, he wants to achieve his own goal and be successful. For example, in the bank robbery scenes we watch in movies, it is not possible to hear the following sentences: “Friends, we will make a plan to commit the bank robbery of the century, we will be caught and we will be an embarrassment to the whole world”.

So, is it talent for success? Is it more important to want or to want?

This question has been asked frequently lately. There is a group of people who say, "You can do it if you want." The most important motto of this group is "believe in the power within". There is also a group that you can never do without talent. In this article, we will compare these two groups.

First, let's look at some concepts related to this subject.

What is talent?

Talent is a latent power that is innate and developed through a certain education. A person is born with a pattern of talents. In this pattern, some abilities are dominant, some abilities are at an intermediate level, some abilities are at a low level, and some abilities are not present at all. The pure part of talent is passed on through genes. Skills that are not developed cannot emerge or remain dull. If talent cannot find an area to be demonstrated as behavior, it will not even be noticed. A person who is born with a very high level of piano playing ability has no possibility of becoming a good pianist unless he encounters suitable conditions.

Another concept is interest. Interest refers to orientation towards a field. What we do is what we like. Interest naturally leads to wanting behavior. In other words, when we do it, it is what releases the happiness hormone dopamine. If we do not have talent in the field we are interested in, that interest will fade away in a short time. It is the ability that feeds interest. A person can achieve what he cannot do. He cannot enjoy what he does not know. This is why we love the courses in which we are successful.

Another concept on this subject is "moment". “Moment” represents the time and place where the event occurred. If the work you do is not suitable forthe “moment”, you cannot be successful. For example, if you had invented Facebook 30 years ago, you probably would not have been successful because the time was not right. Or if Zuckerberg had found Facebook in Turkey rather than America, he probably would not have been successful. It is as important as talent and interest that the work you do is appropriate to the "moment".

Our last concept is passion. TDK defines passion as follows; a strong enthusiasm and passion that transcends will and judgment; The goal towards which the strong desire and tendency is directed; overindulgence Passion is one of the strongest motivations that takes a person to his target field. A person can overcome all difficulties until he reaches whatever he sets out to achieve.

The first and basic condition for success is that the talent pattern for the work done is appropriate. Ability patterns may be different for each behavior or each skill. However, the degree of this pattern is also important. A talent pattern is not evaluated as present or absent. The ability pattern exists to a certain degree depending on the population you are in. Once the talent pattern is appropriate, it is necessary to be interested in the work done.

From this point on, it is useful to classify success as“success” and“superior success”. Success, reaching the target point or the point that the average person can reach; We can define outstanding success as a point that very few people can reach.

Let's list some possibilities for "success";

For "superior success", in addition to talent and interest, "an ” ande passion must also be in proper condition. If you have interest and talent in a field and the "moment" is suitable, what remains is passion for outstanding success. If you hold on to something passionately and your equipment (interest, talent and time) is suitable for it, it is impossible not to achieve superior success.

In this case, you must first recognize your interests and abilities. We cannot accurately determine which field to focus on without knowing your interests and abilities.

As a result, wanting alone does not bring success. If you have talent in the field you want and work with passion, you will achieve superior success.

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