Protective Filling in Children

Q: What is fissure protector (protective filling)?
A: Fissur protector is applied to protect the deep grooves on the surface of the teeth from caries. Especially a lot of cavities form on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. Sealants made of transparent or colored plastic are applied to the surfaces of the teeth to keep them free of decay.

Q: How do sealants work?
A: Even if your child brushes and flosses very carefully, it is very difficult to clean the fine grooves and cavities of some teeth. Accumulations in these recesses cause decay. Preservatives 'seal' plaque, thus reducing the risk of cavities.

Q: How long do preservatives remain in the mouth?
A: Fissure The lifespan of protectors written in the books is 2 years. Thus, your child will be protected during the years when the risk of caries is highest. If your child has good oral care and avoids biting on hard objects, guards will last longer. Your pedodontist will check the guards during routine examinations and recommend reapplication or repair when necessary.

Q: How does it apply?
A: The application of the protector is fast and convenient. It is done in a single appointment. First the mouth is cleaned. Then the surface is prepared and dried. It is then poured into the cavities of the protective tooth and hardened with a special light. Your child will be able to eat immediately after the appointment.

Q: Which teeth should have protective fillings?
A: The natural flow of saliva cleans the smooth surfaces of the teeth. but cannot clean the grooves and pits. The teeth that are at high risk of decay and therefore need protection the most are the 6 and 12 year old molars. Most of the time, it is appropriate to provide preventive treatment to permanent premolars and primary molars. It is useful to apply a protector on all teeth with deep grooves and cavities.

Q: If my child has protectors, is brushing and flossing still important?
A: Absolutely! Preservatives are the first step to keeping your child cavity-free for life. Brushing, flossing, a balanced diet, limited snacking and regular dental check-ups will keep you looking bright and healthy. It is the basis for healthy sleeping.

Q: Why do children lose their milk teeth?
C :A baby tooth should stay in place until the permanent tooth underneath it pushes it out and takes its place. Unfortunately, some children lose their baby teeth very early. A tooth may have been accidentally knocked out or extracted due to an illness.

Q: Why is there so much concern? Don't baby teeth eventually fall out on their own?
A: Baby teeth are important for your child's current and future dental health. These primary teeth ensure the normal development of the jaws, bones and muscles. They hold space for permanent teeth and guide them into their correct positions. Remember that some baby teeth do not fall out until the child is 12 or 14 years old.

Q: How does a lost baby tooth cause permanent tooth problems?
C :If a milk tooth is lost too early, the adjacent tooth will bend or deviate into the empty area. Teeth in the opposite jaw may move up or down to fill the gap. When the adjacent tooth slides into the empty space, there is a loss of space for permanent teeth in the jaw. Therefore, permanent teeth are crooked and crowded. If left untreated, this situation requires more extensive orthodontic treatment.

Q: What is a space maintainer?
A: Space maintainers, They are appliances made of metal or plastic specially prepared to fit your child's mouth.
They are small and have a non-intrusive appearance. Many children adapt to these devices easily
after the first few days.

Q: How does a placeholder work?
A: Space maintainers ensure the protection of the extracted tooth space. They ensure that the remaining baby tooth remains in place and does not slip until the permanent tooth takes its place. Keeping the teeth in normal positions with a space maintainer is an easier procedure than pulling teeth damaged by orthodontic treatment back into place.

Q: How should space maintainers be cared for?
a. Sticky sweets or chewing gum should be avoided.
b. No pushing or pulling should be applied to the placeholder with fingers or tongue.
c. Brush carefully The space maintainer should be kept clean by using floss or dental floss.
d.The dentist should be visited regularly.

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