Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Children

As in adults, 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder', which we call 'Obsession Disorder', is also seen in children.

If the child repeats certain actions and thoughts continuously and usually for a long time, obsessive compulsive disorder can be mentioned.

In public. obsession; delusion; The medical definition of this disease, known as obsession, is Obsession.

The age of onset is generally seen as 9-12 years old. It is seen almost equally in girls and boys.

Obsession; It is a condition characterized by the person having constantly recurring thoughts and engaging in repetitive behaviors called rituals or compulsions, usually in order to relax because these thoughts disturb him/her.

Children who have this problem, They have certain thoughts or themes that constantly repeat in their minds. Especially in children between the ages of 2-6, the most obvious physical symptom of children is their obsessive behavior. These obsessive behaviors can also cause different physical problems over time.

If the behavior leads to negative situations in the child's daily life, communication disorder, academic success may occur. It is an issue that parents should definitely pay attention to when it affects eating disorders, sleep disorders and social adaptation. The problem may grow if there is no psychological support. Let's not forget to observe the obsessions in our children during this period. Early diagnosis is very important in the child's development


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