Most relationships start with emotionality. Excitement, passion, desire, love, loyalty, affection, longing... And it must be admitted that the relationship does not always remain the same. Over time, emotions may decrease and turn into another emotion. No matter how intense the emotions are, it is not always possible to feel them with the same intensity. What sustains the relationship is not the feeling remaining the same, but accepting that feelings can change and being able to contribute positively to the transformation of feelings. Cheating is the result of the need to fill the gaps in one's life. These gaps can sometimes be physical and sometimes emotional. There may be many reasons for cheating.
A part of the process leading to cheating or being cheated on infidelity is the roles and meaning given to both the relationship and the partner within the relationship and marriage. Expecting the spouse to meet all needs and the role attributed to him/her of being the best spouse, the best parent, and the best friend causes unrealistic expectations and responsibility for both parties. This scenario is very difficult to realize. As expectations include perfection, something is always missing in the relationship. This situation can lead to infidelity, and cheating forms a part of the escape plan.
As nothing in the world happens suddenly, no one suddenly becomes an alcoholic, suddenly gets divorced, suddenly goes bankrupt, or suddenly starts cheating. Because extinction happens gradually. In every relationship, signals begin to be given through situations before the cheating stage is reached. It is possible to prevent these signals as soon as they are felt. At this stage, it is important to recognize the problems and make efforts to solve them, and to get support if the problem still cannot be solved.
The number of our clients who apply to couple therapy with "cheating" crisis is considerable.
p>This crisis in marriage can cause wear and tear on individuals. The effect of Trauma on individual people can lead to the intensification of negative emotions and, as a result, the development of mental disorders.
The problem of infidelity brings to us. This question is usually on the minds of couples who apply. Should I get individual therapy or should we get couples therapy? quiver Horselessness is a relationship problem experienced within a relationship. Therefore, if it is decided to continue the relationship, getting support as a couple is a healthy way to repair the relationship. However, in some cases, getting individual support may also be important. Because the effects of emotional trauma vary from person to person. Our individual story has a huge impact on how we make sense of events and, as a result, how we respond to trauma. The attachment styles we establish with our parents and past life events all have an important place in the process. In cases of deception, it is important to follow and solve these processes. Trying to live with this psychology and not getting support can lead to many problems such as depression, psychological trauma, and anger problems.
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