Pain during sexual intercourse is a common condition; almost 3 out of 4 women have experienced pain during intercourse at some point in their lives. Although this may be a temporary situation for some women, it may be permanent for some women.
Pain during intercourse is a symptom of a gynecological disease, such as ovarian cyst or endometriosis
, as well as not wanting to have sexual intercourse or It may also be due to not enjoying the relationship. Pain can be felt in the outermost part of the female genital
organ called the vulva, or at the opening of the vagina, or inside the vagina. The external genital area, called the perieum
, is the place where pain is felt most often. You may also feel pain in the lower back area, pelvis area, uterus and bladder.
If you feel frequent and severe pain during intercourse, you should consult a gynecologist. You need to be evaluated for gynecological conditions that cause
pain. Your gynecologist can determine the source of your pain by evaluating you for sexual problems.
One of the common causes of pain in the vulva and perineum in women is a disease called vulvodynia or vestibulitis
. Unfortunately, in many women, this diagnosis is made only after visiting doctors. It is generally said that the cause of pain is psychological, and unfortunately, women are alienated from sexual intercourse and are pushed into loneliness.
Vulvodynia (vestibulitis) is the most common cause of pain during sexual intercourse in women. This
pain in the vulva may cause different symptoms from woman to woman.
Burning or sharp pain like a knife
Irritation of the vulva and itching in some women
Feeling pain as if a hard and rough object is rubbing
br /> Swelling and some women feeling like they are sitting on a hard ball
Vulvar pain can be localized or widespread. Some women have pain all the time. For some, pain occurs only when that area is touched. For example, some women feel pain when they wash this area or have sexual intercourse with their partners. Vulvar pain can have many causes. I would like to list some of them as follows:
Infection of the vulva or vagina
Developed against the soap or lotion used for this area. � a sensitivity
Hormonal changes after the birth of the baby
Pain due to the tear that occurred during birth or during its healing
The cause of pain in some women is unknown. Some studies have found that this pain occurs as a result of inflammation of the Bartholin glands located in this region. Women with this type of pain
are perfectionists and attach great importance to their work. The incidence of fibromyalgia
is higher in these people. Secondary vaginismus may develop in women who cannot have intercourse due to pain.
It sometimes causes serious sexual problems that progress to the divorce of the spouses.
Testing this area with a cotton swab is sufficient to diagnose vestibulitis. In chronic cases
it may sometimes be necessary to perform a skin biopsy to exclude skin disease.
Usually, the disease can resolve spontaneously within 5 years. Treatment of pain is long and time consuming. Pain during intercourse can be reduced by using local anesthetic before intercourse. Applying ice after intercourse can reduce the pain. Drug treatment is beneficial for some women.
In my clinic, I apply a laser inflammation-reducing treatment protocol called HILT therapy together with drug treatment. We receive positive responses from most patients with this treatment method. If 5-10%
patients do not benefit from medical and laser treatment, surgical treatment, including removal of Bartholin glands, should be planned.
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