One of the biggest health problems of our age is pain in the musculoskeletal system. Nowadays, many people experience pain problems in their waist, neck, shoulder, knee or any other limb. While some people look for a solution in painkillers and muscle relaxants, some apply herbal mixtures to the painful area, while others turn to fracture repair specialists. Pain in the musculoskeletal system is not a new phenomenon. But what is new is that such problems have begun to appear so common. So, what has changed from yesterday to today? This type of musculoskeletal pain has become so common in society. Of course, unhealthy nutrition, stressful living conditions or many external factors that negatively affect our body can be counted... But there is a very important reason that needs to be mentioned and is at the source of such problems: sedentary life!
The places we will go to, no matter how far or near. We are going by vehicles. We sit at desks all day long at work. We want everything to be ready in front of us, without making any extra effort, and sometimes we even order our food ready for our homes. Of course, when all this happens, it is inevitable that our body will be negatively affected and pain will occur. Pain is an alarm system of the body. With pain, the body gives a message, saying 'there is a problem here'. While we should listen to our body and solve the problem from its source, we prefer to ignore it by using painkillers. Pains that are not taken into account at the beginning and are ignored by continuing to misuse the body, over time we encounter more serious problems such as hernia, arthritis or muscle tears. Our bodies are designed to take at least 5000 steps a day. When we stay below this number, rusting, that is, inflammation processes come into play. It is essential not to fall below at least 5000 steps per day. Actively working the muscles ensures that the muscles remain strong, thus preventing them from being damaged by supporting structures such as the spine, joints and ligaments. Otherwise, the muscles become weak due to a sedentary life and therefore a musculoskeletal system is vulnerable to damage. This is where exercise comes into play.
Exercise; preventing obesity, hypertension and diabetes It is an effective method in many diseases such as reducing the risk of diabetes, regulating blood fats, preventing osteoporosis, improving respiratory functions, reducing the risk of depression, and reducing the risk of some types of cancer and Alzheimer's. It is obvious that for a healthy life, we need to move away from a sedentary lifestyle and add movement and exercise to our lives. Of course, you are right here
-Which type of exercise should I prefer?
-How often should I repeat the exercise?
-At what intensity should I continue?
< Many questions such as p>-Which actions should I avoid?may arise. At this point, it seems the best option is to consult a physiotherapist to create the most appropriate exercise prescription for your body structure, age and weight.
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