“How do I know if it is Emotional Eating when I want to eat something?”
Before answering this question, I recommend you to read my article titled "What is Emotional Nutrition", which is the 1st of the Emotional Eating series consisting of a total of 4 articles.
The first steps to prevent emotional eating are: The most important step is to be able to distinguish what the hunger that you feel and that drives you to eat really is. To do this, immediately ask yourself this question.
“Is this hunger I feel Physical Hunger or Emotional Hunger?”
You should be asking yourself this question when you find yourself in the kitchen with the desire to eat something. It would be helpful to start by learning how to distinguish between the two.
Because emotions are a very important factor that affects our eating behavior, as in almost every aspect of our lives. And this feeling that you think of as hunger may be your deeply hidden or suppressed, ignored emotions that need to be seen - heard - noticed.
Here are the differences that distinguish the two states of hunger;
The feeling of emotional hunger arises suddenly and wants to be satisfied immediately. However, physical hunger is a hunger that increases graphically slowly and can be postponed.
If there is emotional hunger, eating behavior is continued despite the feeling of fullness. A person eats something even if he is full. But in the end, he regrets it and feels uncomfortable. However, in physical hunger, when a person is full, he can stop eating with a feeling of fullness, and at the end of the act of eating, there is a feeling of satisfaction, not regret.
In emotional hunger, carbohydrates, sugary, crunchy foods that make a sound can actually give us a feeling of pleasure, albeit for a short time, and are very satisfying. While certain non-healthy foods are preferred, even a vegetable dish or a soup can give us great pleasure during physical hunger.
And the most important difference between Emotional hunger and Physical hunger is that, unlike eating due to physical hunger, at the end of Emotional Eating, you feel a feeling of GUILT.
For the next 3rd step of the Emotional Eating series, you can read my article titled EMOTIONAL EATING CYCLE.
If you have a habit of Emotional Eating. If you are thinking about it, if you want to discover your emotional triggers, get to the root of this problem that disrupts your quality of life, realize its causes, and want to make permanent progress in your eating habits, the best way would be to get support from an expert psychologist.
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