Labeling causes children to lose their self-confidence.
He says that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has negative effects on children's quality of life, developmental level, academic life and social relationships. Specialist Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk, stating that these children perform below expectations at school, also points out that they receive negative reactions from the environment and are labeled as 'naughty, incompatible, lazy'. “These labels cause children to lose their self-confidence and see themselves badly.” Saying, Konuk warns families: “It is possible for children to establish and maintain balanced relationships between their own needs and their environment with a healthy developing self-concept.”
Expert Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk, children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. made statements about what kind of problems they might encounter in their education and social life. The guest listed the suggestions of the families and educators of these children regarding their behavior towards the children.
With the increase in the number of lessons and the difficulty level, a rapid decrease can be observed in performance.
The children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Specialist Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk, who started his speech by noting that it has negative effects on their quality of life, development level, academic life and social relations, said, “They perform below expectations at school. At the same time, the problems that the child experiences with attention, regardless of intelligence, make it difficult to learn in the lessons. The child with attention problems cannot fully understand the given instructions and has difficulty in following the lesson. Similarly, despite sitting for hours at the beginning of their lessons and homework, they get up from the table without completing their homework because they have difficulty in doing a task. They become forgetful and distracted. They often lose their course materials and daily use items. They cannot make proper planning about their homework and responsibilities and have difficulty in determining priorities. As the age progresses, a rapid decline in academic performance can be observed with the increase in the number of lessons and the difficulty level of the lessons. made a statement.
Because they have difficulty in following the rules, Noting that mobile and impulsive children have difficulty in sitting in the classroom during the lesson and they need constant movement, regardless of attention problems, Konuk noted that they cannot follow the lesson because they talk a lot and say, "They talk a lot, they can distract from the lesson. They are impatient and have a hard time keeping their requests waiting and postponing. They can often have problems with their peers because their friends interrupt their games, act rashly, and have trouble following the rules.” He said. However, they are also exposed to labeling as naughty, distracted, clumsy, incompatible, lazy by their parents, teachers or friends. These labels cause children to lose their self-confidence and see themselves badly. However, it is possible for children to establish and maintain balanced relations between their own needs and their environment, with a healthy developing self-concept.
Instead of doing homework for the child, the planning of the study should be supported.
“The guidance and guidance of teachers and parents is very important in order to prevent this stigma and support the child.” Specialist Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk said, “It is necessary to create clear and understandable routines in the daily life of the child and to adapt to the routines. Especially if the child has difficulty in doing their homework alone, they should be helped. However, this help should not be doing homework for the child, but supporting the planning of doing homework and studying and supporting the subjects that he does not understand.” He warned. />
“In the classroom environment, children with ADHD are close to the front rows. Sitting in a row with few external stimuli will allow them to be distracted as little as possible. Classroom responsibilities can be given in the course to meet the child's movement needs. Specific positive feedback should be offered to the child for each positive behavior. Supporting him socially in the school environment, ensuring his participation in group work, will also increase his relations and communication with his friends.”
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