Proneness to Depression

The serious effects of childhood in susceptibility to depression, the object of love that was desired but not obtained during childhood, and the related ebb and flow of anger-love conflicts, and as a result, intense and inextricable guilt are evident. There are serious injuries, especially in childhood, to the disappointments that the child associates with his/her own value and the associated sense of self-worth. This means that even if people have periods where they feel well

as long as they are not resolved, these wounds can in a sense come alive again

with some triggers and the person's feelings of inadequacy, abandonment, and meaninglessness are intense

It causes one to approach depression due to worthlessness.

Also, in depression, there is anger that is repressed and/or directed to the wrong sources.

But since these anger cannot be experienced appropriately, they are either directed towards life itself and distracted from life


It manifests itself almost at the level of hatred, or it is directed towards the person himself, and the person

constantly blames himself, criticizes himself, searches for his mistakes, and when he finds the slightest mistake, he brutally criticizes himself

He begins to criticize and even wear out. In a sense, it is due to disappointments

Anger is also transformed into sadness and it increases to a level where the person cannot handle the sadness


There is such a tendency to depression and it is not addressed. As long as it continues throughout the person's life, it will be triggered by different situations and phenomena and will continue to strain and wear out the person and those around him. In this case, what needs to be done is to get quality psychotherapy service from a psychotherapist who is an expert in this field. Thus, susceptibility to depression will go beyond the area where the person is most vulnerable

and will become the side that the person can manage best and is most equipped with.

In this way, instead of being afraid of the recurrence of depression, the person will feel much more confident in this area

strong, controlled, and as a result, the person's tendency to depression will become a side of himself/herself

where he/she can feel self-confident.

Although depression has become a widely used term and not an ordinary thing

Although it seems like a condition, it is actually a serious disorder and requires no treatment. It requires vi. In advanced cases, it may even lead the person to suicide. For this reason, depression needs to be identified and treated by distinguishing it from other natural states of sadness


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