Early diagnosis is of vital importance in breast cancer.
By detecting and diagnosing cancer early, it is possible to treat it much more easily, and by completely eradicating the disease, future spread is prevented.
>Thanks to early diagnosis, the surgery to be performed is more limited, the structure of the breast is less damaged and the damage caused by cancer in the body can be minimized.
The most important method for early diagnosis is a self-examination.
Manual examination. and the examination in front of a mirror should be done carefully both standing and lying down. The first days after the menstrual period are the most suitable period for breast examination, when swelling and edema, which are considered normal, are minimal.
Necessary precautions can be taken for early diagnosis by having regular breast checks under the supervision of a doctor.
For early diagnosis, it is vital that all women see their doctors at regular intervals and have cancer screening tests, depending on their age and other risk factors.
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