Almonds, which are frequently consumed both as snacks and with tarhana in our society, have many health benefits. It has protective properties against stress and cancer, which are among the most important diseases of our age. In addition, it supports a wide range of human health in many issues such as constipation, cholesterol, bone health. You can eat almonds directly, preferably on an empty stomach, to speed up the absorption of nutrients.
Almonds can also be preferred to solve respiratory disorders, cough, heart disorders, anemia, impotence, and diabetes problems.
*Regular consumption of almonds helps balance good and bad cholesterol levels. This feature reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease that may occur as a result of the unbalanced course of cholesterol.
*Almond is an excellent source of healing thanks to the many vitamins and minerals it contains. One of the most important substances it contains is phosphorus. It also prevents the onset of age-related problems such as 'osteoporosis', while increasing the durability of bones and teeth with the help of phosphorus.
*Unsaturated fats, protein and potassium found in almonds are important for heart health. The vitamin E contained in almonds also makes it an effective antioxidant. Magnesium, which is abundant in almonds, helps prevent heart attacks and also reduces the risk of heart diseases. Almond reduces the effects of problems that cause arterial inflammation. It is also a good source of folic acid.
*The immune system needs many substances to function properly. One of these substances is alkali. Almond is a food rich in alkaline. is the source of sin. This substance helps strengthen the immune system. It also eliminates unhealthy conditions that cause various diseases. Along with its alkaline contribution and vitamin E mixture, almonds turn into a powerful antioxidant. The result of this mixture is an excellent antioxidant that destroys free radicals that cause dozens or even hundreds of diseases in the immune system. Vitamin E, which almonds contain in abundance, reduces the risk of cancer and protects heart health. According to research, people with high levels of vitamin E have a 30-40% lower risk of heart disease than other people.
*The potassium found in almonds helps regulate blood pressure. Additionally, the sodium it contains in abundance prevents fluctuations in blood pressure. Blood pressure is of great importance for heart health. Therefore, while almonds balance blood pressure, they also protect heart health.
*Almonds contain manganese, copper and riboflavin, and these substances help metabolism to produce energy. You can easily find and consume it even while walking on the road.
*Almonds help reduce the increase in glucose and insulin levels, especially after meals. Almonds can solve the problem of increased sugar levels in diabetic patients, which often occurs during or after meals. And it can keep sugar levels at a healthy level. However, consult your dietitian about the amount.
*Many studies have shown that almonds help lose weight. It is known that almonds increase bowel movements. With this feature, it is one of the rare foods that can be used regularly by those who want to lose weight faster. It also cleans toxins with the help of the fiber it contains and reduces constipation complaints. It is a good alternative for snacks.
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