Relationship with Narcissistic Partner

According to Greek mythology, Narcissus, one of the many gods living on earth, one day comes to a riverside. When he bends down to drink water, he sees his own reflection in the water and falls in love with his beauty, which he was not aware of before. He loved himself so much that he stayed there. He neither eats nor drinks because he watches himself for days, and this situation leads him to death day by day. As can be seen from this story, people with narcissistic personality disorder admire and admire themselves excessively. However, narcissistic people see themselves as superior to everyone else and even believe that other people should serve them. These people, who seem arrogant and self-indulgent, do not even accept criticism. These people expect intense love and attention from those around them and believe that this is the case. For this reason, they get disappointed very easily. Although these people see themselves as competent in every subject, they have low self-esteem.

Although the causes of narcissistic personality disorder are not fully known, in addition to genetic and environmental factors, according to psychologists; Parents' excessive exaltation of their children's characteristics in early childhood and the fact that they have not experienced enough disappointments in the real world can be seen as the causes of this disorder.

If we look at the relationships of narcissistic people, they see the relationship as a one-sided game rather than a mutual situation. Their partners are like toys for them. The relationships of narcissistic people are in a certain cycle and the stages are always clear. At this point, the narcissist first analyzes his partner's personality and finds his weaknesses. He binds his partner to himself by using these weaknesses. Once he becomes attached to his partner, he begins to abuse his partner and devalues ​​him. Finally, he leaves her. He goes through this cycle several more times with the same partner. Until their partner realizes the game they are in... Narcissistic people have complete control in their relationships and they set all the rules in the relationship. Under normal circumstances, every relationship has a separate spirit and this spirit is determined by two people. But no relationship with a narcissist has a separate soul. For narcissistic people, there is only one problem in the relationship. There is a soul and the beginning, development and outcome of the relationship are always the same. Due to their lack of emotions and lack of empathy, they do not have the capacity to understand their partner's emotions. For narcissistic people, the most important aspect of the relationship is the ego satisfaction it provides them, and after this satisfaction is achieved, they throw them aside when they have nothing left to get from their partners.

So far, we have discussed a relationship from the narcissistic partner's perspective; For the other party, the relationship follows a completely different cycle. A person who is with a narcissistic partner thinks that he has found the love of his life in the world that his partner created for him by using his weaknesses, and thus becomes attached to his narcissistic partner. After attachment, the narcissistic partner begins to treat the person badly in order to meet his own ego satisfaction, and this person sees himself as the cause of these bad behaviors and begins to blame himself. For this reason, in order to repair this relationship, the person constantly cares about his narcissistic partner, fulfills his wishes and hopes for this relationship to improve. What he doesn't realize is that his partner is actually exploiting him. After the narcissistic partner leaves the person, he returns to start the cycle again, and the person forgives him, thinking that he is the love of his life, and the cycle begins again.

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