Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders

What is Anxiety?

In the most general sense, it is the reaction of a person in response to any physical, emotional or social threat

. Anxiety can also be called anxiety. Anxiety is actually a natural and necessary reaction. Because, thanks to anxiety, we evaluate the dangers that may occur to us

and take action to keep ourselves in a safer, more desired position. For example

If a student is not worried about the exam, he will not study, he will not even care about the exam.

Maybe he will not try to understand the questions seriously. As a result, he will perform well below his

performance in the exams and will not be able to attain

the more successful positions he could have achieved. Likewise, if we think about our daily life

again, thanks to anxiety, we can take some protective measures and protect ourselves.

The thing we protect ourselves from may be a physical threat such as an accident, injury, disease,


We can also be protected from the emotional difficulties of unhealthy relationships where feeling worthless is inevitable, and from being stuck in an extremely incompatible and extremely excluded position in social environments

thanks to anxiety

. Therefore, it is possible to say that anxiety is functional and even necessary to a certain level

. However, while anxiety increases our quality of life to a certain extent,

After a certain point, increasing anxiety begins to reduce our quality of life.

In fact, this is valid for almost every emotion, to some extent. While being present at this level increases functionality

, if our emotion exceeds a certain level, it begins to disrupt our functionality. At this point

Problems called "anxiety disorders" arise.

So what is anxiety disorder?

As I explained above, anxiety is much more severe than it should be. , long-term, and

occurring more frequently; However, decreasing the person's quality of life and impairing his/her functionality indicates anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders have two basic symptom dimensions

; One is psychological symptoms and the other is emotional symptoms. Psychological symptoms: person's lack of control, helplessness, frequent It is a state of anxiety, inner distress, feeling of something bad going to happen, pessimism and intense anxiety that goes parallel with the perception of being lost and powerless. Simultaneously with this, the person experiences intense physical effects such as shortness of breath, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure,

coldness in the hands and feet, sweating, shaking, nausea, dizziness.

He lives like this. Since the person cannot control and relieve both these emotional and physical symptoms, the perception of lack of control increases, and in many cases, people even think that they are going crazy. This further increases the panic experienced by the person and the situation becomes an intolerable vicious circle. This condition may occur in the form of attacks, or it may become a routine part of the person's life


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