Couples and young mothers and fathers who want to have children want to make joint decisions regarding their children's education. And they are extremely confident that they will reach a compromise on this issue. But then daily life begins and they realize how difficult it is to apply their thoughts in real life. The excitement and expectation before the baby is born, and the enthusiasm and joy after it is born, may later turn into a conflict between parents.
In education How should parents who disagree should behave?
1. Parents' motto in their relationships should be "respect" and "tolerance".
2. It should not be forgotten that children, regardless of their age, will be affected very quickly by the events that happen at home.
3.Discipline rules are set by determined parents, not by the child.
4.Before the baby is born, decisions about the baby's basic needs (eating, sleeping, toilet), their hours and how to make them a habit should be made and implemented carefully.
5.Parents who disagree with each other in their child's education should discuss this issue calmly and explain the positive and negative aspects to each other when they are alone later.
6.&Every parent should try to empathize with the other person regarding child-related issues. She should try to understand his feelings and what he feels. If he understands why his wife shows this attitude, he will of course be more tolerant.
7.Most importantly, he should not discuss differences of opinion in education in front of his children. At this point, the eyes should talk.
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