Expert Dietician Işın Sayın explained ways to increase breast milk, which is the basic food of babies. Sayın said, “Producing milk in sufficient quantity and quality content for your baby; It is your single most important job. "Breast milk is your baby's absolute right for the first 6 months, preferably for at least 1 year," he said. Expert Dietician Işın Sayın said, "Breast milk is the food your baby needs. There is still no food that can meet its extraordinary composition. Even if they add all the fiber, amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to the food; While he said, "it has not yet been able to meet the antibodies, which are the immune factors in breast milk, and the love that strengthens due to mother-baby contact," he also repeated the vital question that mothers are waiting for an answer to: "Despite all these features, how much attention do mothers pay to their nutrition? Does the mother have enough stores of vitamins and minerals after 9 months of pregnancy? "It is very open to factors, especially emotional and hormonal changes," said Specialist Dietician Işın Sayın, adding that the biggest reason for the decrease or cessation of milk supply is stress. Dear, “You get stressed about whether there will be enough milk, and it stops. Someone upsets you, your hormones are to blame, milk curdles. The baby cries all night long, you get tired and can't rest, and the milk stops. You eat wonderfully, manage to cook delicious meals, the hours between meals are shortened, and the milk curdles. You eat regularly, but you haven't drunk enough water; milk curdles. You think that you will be happy if you lose the extra weight, but after a diet, the milk will curdle. "You do sports, you get tired, the milk is gone," he said.
Işın Sayın said, "However, it is in sufficient quantity and quality for your baby. content milk production; It is your single most important job. But it is not easy. Once your milk supply has stopped, there is no need to give up just yet. A quote that I like very much: "There are no losers, only quitters." Breastfeeding is your baby's absolute right for the first 6 months, preferably for at least 1 year. Think about; You will never be able to breastfeed again, even if you wanted to. Enjoy your baby's contact with you. Concentrate on the happiness flowing within you. lun. The love flowing from your heart to breast milk is the most important factor that ensures the continuity of your milk. Never forget this. Because; Hormones related to milk secretion are organized by your brain. A regular pump is much more effective than you think. "Ignore all the excuses, stubbornly milk for 15 minutes every 3 hours, after a while it will pick up the pace," he said.
Sharing the tips to increase breast milk, Işın Sayın said:
“Keep a jug and a glass filled with 400-500 ml of water in the rooms of the house that you visit most often. Be sure to finish the glass as you see it. Or have half-liter glass or steel water bottles. Remember, no matter what you eat, you cannot produce milk or make the produced milk fluid without drinking any water. 85 percent of breast milk is water. Throughout the day: add a total of 1 glass of molasses to the total of 4 liters of water you drink. This is the most functional and best mixture. So have very limited carbohydrates at meals. Unfortunately, the most basic fuel used for milk production in the mammary glands is sugar. Thus, we spread plenty of water and the tasteless sugar in 1 glass of water, little by little, throughout the day without interruption. I can say that it helps prevent the risk of milk shortage. While applying this, for weight and health reasons, do not have any rice, potatoes, pastries, other sweets or plenty of bread throughout the day, except for those mentioned below. Eat eggs (preferably organic) for breakfast. You should get enough protein so that; Increase the protein quality of milk. Choose 1 thin slice of firm, non-bursting rye/whole wheat/whole grain/whole wheat/mixed grain etc. brown bread. Consume well-washed seasonal greens at every meal. The B vitamins it contains help you burn the energy you get from carbohydrates. The calcium in a piece of cheese and the fiber in greens are the most valuable needs of your bones.”.
“Consume walnuts, peanuts and almonds as snacks. "It is enough to eat 10-15 pieces in total," says Işın Sayın, adding: "Have 8-10 tablespoons of vegetable food and 5 tablespoons of (preferably probiotic) yoghurt for lunch. Stop at 1 slice of bread, move on to plenty of greens and raw carrots. As a snack, 1 glass of water Add fresh cocoa and cinnamon sticks to the warm milk. It will help calm both your chocolate and sweet cravings. Another formula is as follows: Add banana and powdered cinnamon to the milk and pass it through the blender. Enjoy your frothy banana cinnamon milk. For dinner: Be sure to choose a dish with meat and vegetables, meatballs, meat, minced meat or cubed meat. Make sure you get enough protein with plenty of yoghurt. Yogurt will give you satiety and balance your blood sugar. 2-3 tablespoons of bulgur pilaf can be added. Eat plenty of greens, with at most 1 tablespoon of raw extra virgin olive oil on top. Eating fish and low-fat salad twice a week with just a slice of bread will idealize your intake of omega fatty acids. It also has an important composition for your baby's mental development, thanks to iodine. Attention: Don't forget plenty of greenery. Before going to bed at night, add powdered cinnamon and walnuts to one of the grated quince/pear/apples and eat it with a spoon. Eat 10 peanuts on top. With its antioxidant effect, cell renewal in your baby will accelerate and you will be refreshed. Another formula is; Throw away the seeds of one of the quince/apple/pear, bake on baking paper with lemon drops and cinnamon powder. You can consume it cold or hot with walnuts and top it with peanuts. Stay away from herbal teas and coffee. You can drink 2-3 glasses of light unsweetened tea with lemon slices. Try it, it's the formula we know and works the best we can.”
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