Popular Diets

1)Ketogenic Diet:Ketogenic diets were developed in the 1920s not to lose weight but to reduce the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures in children. Excessive restriction of the amount of carbohydrates taken in the diet (less than 50g/day) is a diet that causes an increase in ketone bodies in the blood. They should not be used in the treatment of obesity for a long time because they are unbalanced in terms of nutrients and can cause serious health problems.

2) Alkaline Diet: In modern life, diets are poor in Mg, K and fiber; It is rich in saturated fat, sugar and sodium. In an alkaline diet; Depending on the vegetable-based diet, K and fiber intake is high, fat intake is low, and protein is deficient.

Risks: Since the diet is inadequate in protein, calcium, and essential fatty acids, long-term application may be harmful to health. It is not suitable for diabetics.

3)DASH Diet: It offers an effective nutritional approach in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. Diet: Preference for vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, white meats such as fish and chicken, legumes, and vegetable oils. Saturated fat, sugar and sodium are limited in the diet.

4)Intermittent Fasting: 5, which allows for 5 days of eating without calorie restriction and two consecutive or non-consecutive “fasting” days: It is the 2 diet and the 16:8 diet, which limits food intake within an 8-hour period each day. Intermittent fasting practices may cause negative side effects depending on your age, health and lifestyle.

5)Paleo Diet, (Stone Age Diet): In Turkey, it is mostly Stone Age Diet. It is known as. Sugar, flour and starch, and foods containing such foods, and ready-packaged foods are foods that should be avoided. In this diet, vegetables are consumed as uncooked as possible or by steaming those that need to be cooked. In this diet, you can consume as many vegetables, fruits, yoghurt, kefir, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds as you want. The use of skim milk and yoghurt has no place in the paleo diet. All kinds of bread are prohibited, we do not eat even if it is whole grain, rye, etc. Vegetables with high starch content, such as corn, potatoes and carrots, are consumed very little. Seed as oil The cotyledons are butter and olive oil. Cholesterol and saturated fat are strictly limited. All animal products (except egg whites and  skimmed milk) are prohibited. All oils except omega 3 fatty acids and canola oil are prohibited. Energy is not limited, but individuals are directed to limit dietary intake of recommended nutrients. Low-fat diets are used more for their increased insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular risk factor-reducing effects than for their weight-loss effects. Long-term application; By causing the person to receive insufficient protein, calcium and iron; can lead to different health problems.


6)Clean Nutrition:

 In this diet strategy, milk and dairy products, gluten-containing foods are consumed. nutrients and sugar are greatly restricted in the diet. In a clean eating diet, foods are grouped as 'good' and 'bad', which can lead to feelings of guilt about consuming certain foods. These perceptions are often reinforced by media coverage of foods or nutritional ingredients that describe them in emotionally driven language, such as a superfood or toxic food. When it comes to clean eating and avoiding processed foods, remember that no food is good or bad on its own. What is important is the total type and amount of foods consumed during the day. Therefore, instead of adopting a clean eating approach and being afraid of foods, aim for an adequate and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and unsaturated fats.


7) Mediterranean Diet: The Mediterranean diet generally consists of plant-derived foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts and whole grains, and olive oil as cooking oil, and fish and white meats and dairy products (mostly yoghurt and cheese) are consumed in moderate amounts, rather than animal-derived foods. It can be defined as a diet in which processed meats are consumed at low levels. After the meal, rest and regular physical activity are very important in the Mediterranean diet. However, the Mediterranean diet is not practiced as widely and strictly as it was 30-50 years ago, and it is stated that the reason for this is that the societies living in the Mediterranean region are also transitioning to a Western-style diet. It's happening.

8) Detox Diets: It is claimed that these diets remove toxins from the organism in a short time, help rapid weight loss and skin brightness, and support health. Detox diets can be starvation diets or diets that consume a single food such as cabbage soup. Some detox diets focus heavily on the consumption of vegetables and fruits (usually organic) while limiting the consumption of certain nutritional components such as sugar or caffeine. In some cases, the use of other products such as diuretics, laxatives or detox teas may also be encouraged in the detox diet. However, it remains unclear which specific toxins these diets remove from the body.

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