Beware of food poisoning, which increases with the arrival of the summer months!
Food poisoning is the situation that occurs when any food or drink contaminated with bacteria or toxins is consumed. There are 4 different types of bacteria that cause food poisoning. Staphylococcus, which occurs in milk and dairy products, meat and salads, is the most common type. Symptoms begin to appear 2-3 hours after taking the food. The other type of bacteria is shigella. It occurs 1-2 days after consuming contaminated food, with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The most dangerous and potentially fatal food poisoning is clostridium botilinum poisoning. It can be found mostly in canned food, meat, vegetables and fruits. The fourth species is bacillus cereus. This bacteria is found in rice and causes nausea and vomiting. In general, food poisoning begins suddenly and may occur within 30 minutes to 72 hours depending on the type of bacteria.
When you experience food poisoning;
- Generally, diarrhea and vomiting are typical symptoms of food poisoning. The poison in the body is expelled. Therefore, medication to prevent diarrhea and vomiting should not be used at that time.
- If there is very intense diarrhea and vomiting, the most important thing to do is to replace the dehydration by drinking plenty of water or intravenous fluid.
- Diarrhea. To stop this, lean foods that are low in fiber, such as rice porridge, boiled potatoes, plain oil-free pasta, and yoghurt, should be preferred.
- Vegetables should be consumed cooked and fruits with their skins peeled.
- Figs, Fruits that will increase diarrhea, such as apricots and grapes, should be avoided.
Things to be careful about to avoid food poisoning:
- Vegetables and fruits with vinegar Be careful to soak it in water and consume it after washing it thoroughly.
- When you boil open milk with the traditional boiling method, not all of the bacteria in it may die and the nutritional values in the milk are lost. Therefore, be careful to use pasteurized milk instead of plain milk.
- Pay attention to the temperature of your food, especially in the summer months when the heat increases very intensely. Do not immediately put very hot meals in the refrigerator. Leave it at room temperature for a while, then put it in the refrigerator after 1-2 hours. sheep.
- Meat, chicken, fish and eggs are risky protein sources that cause food poisoning. Therefore, make sure that the egg is well cooked and that the egg is not broken or cracked. Wash the eggs before using them.
- Thaw the food you take out of the freezer at the bottom of the refrigerator or put it directly into the pot with ice.
- The most important thing is the hygiene of your hands and kitchen utensils. Make sure that kitchen knives, boards and kitchen counters are clean and hygienic. Be careful to use your meat knife, vegetable knife and boards separately. Do not neglect your hand hygiene.
- Pay attention to the expiration dates of the foods you buy.
- Do not buy canned foods that have been opened or with swollen lids.
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