1 gram equals 7 calories. So, if you want to lose a total of 1000 grams, or 1 kilo, you need to have an energy deficit of 7000 calories. If you want to lose 1 kilo in a week, you need to create an energy deficit of 1000 calories per day. There are two methods to eliminate this energy deficit.
1) Eating fewer calories than normally consumed.
Have you ever heard the definition of 'basal metabolism'? Basal metabolism is the amount of energy a person spends to carry out the normal functions of the body in a state of complete rest after a 12-hour fast. When we multiply this value by the factor called physical activity factor, we obtain the amount of calories that should be taken daily. The physical activity factor is a value that varies depending on the person's mobility during the day. If the calorie intake is below the daily calorie intake; The remaining amount of calories is released by burning the tissues accumulated in the body. This condition is called weight loss.
Simple changes we make in our daily lives greatly affect calorie intake. For example;
Boiling or grilling methods can be used instead of frying. In this case, the calories of the oil used for frying are automatically excluded from the calories.
Make the snacks you buy from outside at home. If potato chips are made with less oil and in the oven, the number of calories will be reduced.
Meet your sweet needs with fruits instead of chocolate. You can reduce the number of calories by adding spices such as cinnamon and cocoa to fruits or by dipping them in a small amount of melted dark chocolate.
When preparing your salads, you can choose simple olive oil sauces instead of preparing pomegranate syrup, cream or mayonnaise sauces.
2) Increase physical activity.
The second way to create a calorie deficit is to increase physical activity. Even if your daily calorie intake is normal, when the amount of physical activity increases, a calorie deficit will still occur as the energy spent for this activity will be provided by the body, not from food.
Some physical activities and the amount of calories consumed;
Pilates = 250-450 calories
Zumba = 300 calories
Yoga = 360 calories
Dancing = 250-300 calories
Walking = 200-400 calories
House cleaning = 200-300 calories
(Calculated over 1 hour and varies depending on weight and pace. The table is average values.)
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