Do You Know the Cause of Your Knee Pain?

Constations to doctors due to knee pain have increased due to busier business life, increased interest in sports, people's awareness and taking pain seriously. In some patients, this is the opposite. When patients who tried to relieve their knee pain with creams and medications for many years were examined, it was revealed that they did not benefit from physical therapy due to past falls, meniscus damage, being overweight, or not being able to lose weight in time. Whatever the reason, this disease is a social disease that detaches people from life, prevents their daily physical movements, and triggers depression. Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Levent Arslan gave information about the occurrence and treatment of knee pain.

Knee pain is divided into two according to age group and how it occurs. Pain by age group; childhood, adult and old age pain. Depending on the way they occur, pain occurs due to growth, sports performed, advancing age, osteoporosis and wear of cartilage tissue called calcification.

Your Child Might Have a Knee Tumor!

In childhood, knee pain usually occurs as pain in growing bones. These pains, which increase with cycling, running and jumping, generally decrease with the slowdown of growth at the age of 14-15 and do not require serious treatment. Fractures, dislocations and soft tissue damage occur in the knee area due to falls and impact trauma during childhood. While these damages may cause knee pain, some structural meniscus lesions may cause locking and swelling during childhood and growing ages. The main cause of distressing pain at this age is malignant and rapidly progressing tumors affecting the knee. Serious limb loss may occur in cases of knee pain if diagnosis and treatment are delayed.

Knee pain in adulthood occurs due to active work life, traffic accidents, fractures, dislocations, and soft tissue injuries. The result of this pain is usually meniscus tears, ruptures, and anterior cruciate ligament damage.

The Symptom of Meniscus is Knee Pain!

Menisci are the bones located between the knees, which everyone has. birb They are hard structures with a cartilaginous consistency that prevent it from rubbing against the pus. "I have a meniscus" is an expression used by our patients to mean that these structures are torn, ruptured or damaged. The first symptom of this disease is knee pain. It may also be accompanied by complaints of locking in the knee, swelling, difficulty in movement, inability to bend, difficulty in going up and down stairs.

Old Age Does Not Actually Cause Knee Pain

The age of 65, which is called old age. The main cause of knee pain in people over the age is the disease we call "calcification", which occurs as a result of damage to the cartilage tissue. It is one of the most common disorders. It is a disease that is resistant to medication, physical therapy and rest and is usually treated surgically.

Knee pain; It is a disease that requires orthopedics, physical therapy, dietitians and psychiatrists to work together. Treatment begins with medical, physical therapy, diet and arthroscopy interventions. In cases where these interventions are not sufficient, an operation called knee prosthesis, which is known as the replacement of the cartilage surfaces of that joint, is performed. This operation takes approximately 1-2 hours and allows the patient to stand up and walk the next day. It is a method that gives high morale to the patient, reduces pain and connects him to life as his mobility increases day by day.

Medicana Bahçelievler Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Levent Arslan said, "For these complaints that restrict our lives, prevent our movements, and cause us pain, regardless of our age and regardless of the reason, we should consult the relevant physicians as soon as possible and initiate the necessary medical interventions."

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