Halitosis is the bad smell of breath that disturbs the person and his/her environment. Bad breath is a social problem that concerns up to fifty percent of the society. It is very important in social and emotional relationships, it causes people to avoid social environments and close relationships, they lose their self-confidence, they constantly want to cover their mouths with their hands, they are socially excluded and are exposed to psychological distress. Bad breath is divided into two basic classes: physiological halitosis and pathological halitosis. Physiological halitosis occurs as a result of increased microbial activity due to reasons such as a decrease in the amount of saliva during the night and the inability to perform physiological cleaning with the mouth muscles and tongue. Since salivary secretion decreases during the night, gram (gram) -) Bacteria multiply and cause odor, which disappears when something is eaten or drunk at breakfast. Dry mouth due to problems such as breathing through the mouth, inability to close the lips, nasal congestion, insufficient amount of saliva and inadequate bacterial plaque control, hunger, tobacco use and alcohol use can also cause bad breath. Likewise, bad breath can be encountered during women's use of birth control pills, ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Eighty percent of the complaints related to bad breath originate from the mouth. These include gum diseases, food getting stuck between the teeth, treatment. These include undeclared rotten teeth, missing fillings, protruding crown edges, removable dentures that are not cleaned, and periiplantitis.
The tongue, with its densely rough structure, surface containing papillae, fissures, and villi, is contaminated with saliva by being filled with anaerobic and gram (-) bacteria. It prevents the washing and cleaning effect, and most of the proteins in the mouth are metabolized by these bacteria, causing the production of volatile sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide and methylmercaptan. Volatile sulfur compounds are produced by food residues, saliva, shed epithelial cells and decaying cells as a result of gingival bleeding, especially gram( -) It occurs with the production of bacteria. Diphtheria, measles, gingivostomatitis affecting the tongue, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, cortisone use, and long-term use of antibiotics cause fungal growth and bad breath. Diab Bad breath is also seen in chronic kidney patients, those using antidepressants, antihistamines, antihypertensives, diseases such as sinusitis, reflux, Sjorgen's syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis, tuberculosis, syphilis. The deposits that accumulate between the crypts in the tonsils cause tonsillitis and mouth. It is the cause of bad breath, in asthma patients, in diabetic patients with ketosis, and in kidney patients. Some patients have a subjective bad breath that is not felt by anyone other than the individual. These patients are sensitive, introverted, obsessive people, traffic accidents, poisonings, head collisions, constant cough medicines, anemia, hypothyroidism. It can affect the olfactory center and cause olfactory hallucinations. Treatment: The cause is investigated and treated accordingly, bacteria in the mouth are reduced by whole mouth disinfection and closed root surface debridement, gingival pockets are eliminated, oral care procedures, the use of dental floss and interdental brushes are taught, and the back of the tongue and gums are cleaned mechanically. Basic treatment for bad breath. Its form is to eliminate anaerobic bacteria and create an environment where the interdental areas are clean and the gums do not bleed. Chemically alcohol-free mouthwashes containing thymol and menthol, sugar-free zinc gums are recommended, and water consumption should be increased. Your mouth should smell sweet and there should be no smile on your lips. Life is beautiful when you laugh. I wish you healthy days.
DR.GÜNGÖR KARAGÖZLÜ, Gum Diseases and Surgery Specialist
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