I wish all readers a good day on a hot August day. We have always talked about diseases and sick children on our site before. Today, I wanted to make a change and I would like to talk about well-child examinations, which are always overlooked but can lead to serious consequences if forgotten, and are the point where the art of medicine really begins. Yes, I said this is where the art of medicine begins, because the important thing for us is not to cause illness and to protect from diseases.
Yes, you waited 9 months; But for better or worse, some of us were playing around happily, some of us were lying down all the time
but as a result, you had a pregnancy that you will always remember with excitement. During your pregnancy, you always had question marks in your mind, how will it happen? Will I be able to breastfeed? Who will it look like? Of course, I'm sure those around you have frequently asked these questions :)
Pregnant women generally form an above-normal bond with gynecologists and obstetricians.
But remember, this bond usually ends in 9 months. Then we step in :) I always say, I will definitely tell you at birth. Say goodbye to your gynecologist because you now have a pediatrician :) Yes, you heard right, I will tell you at birth. We are also at birth. Because the first examination of a healthy child, my dear parents; It starts while your baby is still in the womb. We take a detailed history of our pregnant women and their families to meet them and to predict what will come out of the surprise egg in that womb. The more prepared we are, the stronger our hands will be and the easier it will be for us to fight against possible problems.
After the introduction in the womb, we need to do our first examination during birth, while our baby is still in the delivery room. The first person to see the baby should be a pediatrician so that we can intervene in any possible problems and meet our baby as soon as possible :) Remember that skin-to-skin contact can be done very well by pediatricians :) Also, your first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine and vitamin K treatment should be administered in the delivery room at the time of birth. In other words, before your baby leaves the delivery room; The pediatrician and the patient must meet at least 2-3 times. my child It is necessary to be examined repeatedly every day of the stay, and the breastfeeding compatibility between the mother and the mother, jaundice monitoring and weight monitoring should be checked. The first heel blood sample should be taken 24 hours after feeding and your hearing test should be done before leaving the hospital. That is, before you are discharged from the hospital; .
When you are discharged home after birth and you are left alone with your miracle baby, never forget that the worst of everything will come to your mind :) Get away from those bad thoughts as soon as possible and relax. But do not forget to ask your pediatrician for a phone number that can be reached in times of crisis.
Your first pediatric examination after discharge should be between the 3rd and 5th days. When you consult a pediatrician, he/she should inquire about your baby's detailed examination, feeding frequency and follow-up, and your milk
milk. The decision of whether your baby's breast milk is sufficient or not should be made together with the patient's relative, based on their weight. Look, I'm specifically saying that I'm not talking about whether breast milk works or not, but whether it's enough. Because EVERY BREAST'S MILK IS HELPFUL. In addition, if your baby's jaundice status needs to be checked at your first check-up, a blood test should be taken.
Therefore, in your child health and diseases examination between the 3rd and 5th days;
1-A detailed physical examination of your baby should be performed.
2-Your baby should be examined for jaundice and, if necessary, a blood test.
3- Your baby should be given 400 IU vitamin D supplement.
Yes, yes; After the heel blood is taken at the health center at the age of 7 days, the pediatrician should be examined again at the age of 15 days. Every time you go to the pediatrician, your baby should be examined in detail and his nutrition should be questioned. We expect your child to have reached his birth weight by the time he is 15 days old. Additionally, on the 15th day, if your baby has a risk factor, your baby will have thyroid function tests performed upon your doctor's request.
After the 5-day check, a well-child check is required month by month, such as the 1st month, the 2nd month, and once a month until the age of one
. In this process, it should not be forgotten to perform a hip ultrasound and eye examination at the age of 1 month. A detailed physical examination and questioning should be performed at each examination. From one year old to two years old, every 3 months; A well-child check-up is required every 6 months between the ages of two and 3, and once a year thereafter.
In addition, a full urine test, blood pressure measurement, dentist check-up and ophthalmologist check-up must be done once a year.
If If there is a family member under the age of 55 with coronary artery disease, cholesterol disease, obesity, or early heart attack; It would be sufficient and appropriate to check the cholesterol levels after the age of 3 in our patients whose parents have cholesterol levels above 240 mg/dl.
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