OBSESSION; are thoughts, fears, bad possibilities and bad images that come to the person's imagination in an involuntary and disturbing way. Most patients do not want these things to come to their minds, but since they cannot prevent them, they take actions to reduce the uneasiness they feel. Even though it sometimes seems meaningless to them, they do similar movements over and over again in a stereotyped manner in order to relax for a short time, and these movements are called COMPULSION. Therefore, compulsions are performed to prevent or at least remove obsessive thoughts from the mind. The majority of people with OCD are aware that the repetitive thoughts and images are unreal and that the obsessive movements are meaningless.
OCD can begin in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood, tends to last a long time, and It is a disease that continues with intense anxiety. From the moment OCD begins, it traps people in a cycle of repetitive thoughts and behaviors, creating serious limitations in their lives.
The repetitive thoughts and actions that occur in OCD steal so many hours from a person's daily life. ; People may not be able to do or complete their normal daily tasks. Common types of obsessions; fear of getting dirt or germs on or on your hands; fear of harming loved ones or others; do not be afraid to make mistakes; do not be afraid of being embarrassed in public; Fear of unacceptable thoughts on moral and religious matters and the possibility of apostasy; seeking order, symmetry and perfection; being unsure of what one is doing and constantly seeking reassurance and approval...
Common types of compulsions; repeatedly washing hands, repeatedly showering, staying in the shower and toilet for a long time; constantly mopping and vacuuming the house, shaking carpets and rugs from the balcony; avoiding shaking hands and touching the door for fear of contamination; repeating ablution and praying over and over again, thinking that it is incomplete or wrong; repeatedly checking things like door locks, windows, stoves, fountains, etc., with the thought that bad things might happen in the end; counting while doing daily tasks, doing tasks a certain number of times; base Don't get stuck on words or sentences; Do not accumulate even valueless things with the thought of needing them, and do not throw away the old ones; constantly arranging things in a certain way; continuous reading of plates and plates; permanent official documents, invoices, receipts, etc. controlling things …
OCD patients have been found to have an irregularity in the secretion of serotonin in the central nervous system. Moreover; Other biological, social and environmental factors have been associated with the development of OCD. Some factors that create stress can trigger OCD, and some can worsen this disease.
OCD is seen in 2-3% of the population, women. and the incidence rates in men are equal. Early diagnosis and regular treatment are important in OCD. Antiobsessional medications and cognitive-behavioral therapy are useful in treatment.
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