Diet NLP System

It can be used for communication, decision-making, sales, persuasion, strategies, changing behaviors, eliminating habits and
weight loss.
NLP, which consists of the words Neuro Linguistic Programming, is defined as 'Personal Change Model'.
br /> It is a set of techniques that examine the connections between senses, emotions, the language we use and behaviors.
Communication, decision-making, sales, persuasion, strategies, changing behaviors, eliminating habits and
for weight loss purposes

According to NLP, what are the reasons for weight gain?
Experiences, limits and beliefs created by information in our brain change both our behavior and
eating habits. Since the person who is under pressure and stress cannot somehow get rid of this pressure, the resulting gap is sometimes filled with weight. Naturally, eating habits
change and the person begins to gain weight without realizing it.

According to NLP, what should a person who wants to lose weight do?
The point to be considered is that overweight people feel good and feel well. is to control what they don't feel.
In general, people who are overweight cannot feel well. A person who wants to lose weight must first review the priorities in his/her life. Similarly, the person should also plan how much weight he/she wants to lose later and how long it will take to lose this weight. Here
at this point, a basic mistake is made without realizing it; the person continues to think about his/her weight, and because he/she thinks about how much he/she has lost or has not lost, it becomes difficult to lose weight
without realizing it. Because, when we look at the contents in our lives where we achieve the results we want, when we plan and organize it and start doing it without thinking about it, the result is easily
realized. Inquiries and the judgments we obtain as a result of these interrogations delay or prevent us from reaching the
result we want. Once you decide on weight loss,
it will be achieved easily as a result of the person continuing to feel good and no longer thinking about his/her weight.

What should you eat to lose weight with NLP? It is necessary to have information about the solid, liquid and gas ratio in our body. Our body
contains 12 percent solid, 70 percent liquid and 18 percent gas. This ratio usually changes in overweight people
and it either increases or decreases as people change their eating habits. Looking at this systematic
, if solid food is taken, liquid and gas should also be taken in return. When one unit of solid food
is taken, five units of water and one and a half units of gas must be taken. For example, 100 gr. When we eat rice
or pasta, we need to drink five times as much water and breathe 1.5 times as much
. Normally, we draw 1.5 liters of air into our lungs with the breath we take. When we take a deep breath, this amount increases to 3-4 liters. Therefore, we can maintain or lose weight by deepening our breathing after or before eating.

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