One of the most important vitamins during the epidemic period is vitamin D. During pregnancy, the body should take the amount of vitamin D it needs for the health of itself and the baby. The most important components for human development are D2 and D3.
Why will I need vitamin D during pregnancy?
First of all, vitamin D is necessary for yourself. There is extensive research on the effects of vitamin D on the immune system, cell division and bone health. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Many studies show that as Vitamin D decreases in the body, the risk of cancer, innate immune system diseases, mental illnesses, insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases increases. Vitamin D ensures healthy bone development of your baby. Vitamin D deficiency causes preeclampsia during pregnancy.
Do the vitamins I took before pregnancy contain enough vitamin D?
Probably, there is not enough vitamin D in the vitamins you take. The risk of premature birth and miscarriage decreases in pregnant women who take 4000 IU (5 drops) of vitamin D daily. Research shows that vitamin D taken in appropriate doses is safe not only for you but also for your baby. The average amount of vitamin D found in vitamins taken before pregnancy is 400 IU. Therefore, additional vitamin D support should be taken.
What causes Vitamin D deficiency?
Nowadays, vitamin D deficiency has become very common. There are many reasons for this situation. To understand this, we can start with foods containing vitamin D. Foods containing vitamin D are fortified products such as egg yolk, salmon, fish oil, and mostly milk. However, it is not easy to consume these products constantly and sufficiently. In addition, the body may not always be able to absorb vitamin D due to many external factors. The place you live, the season, the time you spend outside, the ability of the skin to change color, age, obesity, air pollution and even the health of your intestines are among these factors. Vitamin D is actually a hormone and the body needs sunlight to produce this hormone.
What are the stages of using vitamin D?
To start, you can start consuming foods containing vitamin D. Another name� You can sunbathe for 5-10 minutes 2 or 3 days a week. Apart from these, the most effective way is to take vitamin D supplements. The quality and amount of vitamin D you take is important. You should get your doctor's advice on this matter.
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