Panic Attacks are intense bouts of fear and anxiety that are uncertain when and where it will strike, mostly lasting a few minutes, sometimes even up to an hour.
What are the symptoms of a panic attack?
Pattern in the heart
Intense chills and sweating
Numbness in the hands and feet, ringing in the ears
Feeling of suffocation or shortness of breath
Dizziness, nausea
Ringing in the ears
In most cases of panic attacks, panic attacks are combined with other psychological disorders. In other words, someone experiencing a panic attack may have depression, social phobia, obsession, claustrophobia (fear of indoor spaces), etc. cases can be observed. Therefore, it is important that these individuals work in detail and in depth. At this point, dynamic-based psychotherapies focus more on childhood experiences, emotions, unconscious processes and defense mechanisms, unlike behavioral-cognitive therapies.
When we examine individuals dynamically in panic attack cases, we usually observe the following in therapy:
-They experienced a physical or emotional separation, especially during their childhood.
- They show their fear of abandonment with intense depressive symptoms. They have one parent.
-These individuals who have problems with a secure attachment with their parents are also suspicious of other people.
-The self (personality) is fragmented and there is no border between themselves and the other.
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-They have a history of sexual, physical or emotional abuse.
-They have difficulty in tolerating and regulating their emotions.
-They may experience intense anger outbursts.
-They can develop various defense mechanisms to avoid the emotions they cannot cope with.
At this point, dynamic-based psychotherapies have an important place in helping the client make sense of what they are experiencing, gain insight and confront the unconsciously developed defense mechanisms. After a long-term and regularly continued therapy, the client's dysfunctional defense mechanisms are eliminated. Gain insight and � can answer and interpret the question of "what am I living now". He/she comes to a point where he/she can regulate/regulate emotions. After this process, panic attacks and symptoms decrease.
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