While attentiveness and admiration are tendencies that are not seen at all in some children, they have obvious effects on some young people. From a pedagogical perspective, how should this situation be evaluated? In other words, do such tendencies and desires of the child indicate a personality problem?
First of all, it should be known that traits such as emulation and envy are part of child psychology and are very important in terms of the formation of character, shaping of behavior and moral development. Emulation and admiration are a kind of imitation, and having this skill is valuable for normal psychosocial development. What is important is who and what characteristics of the child they should emulate. In other words, just as children can envy good things, they can also envy bad or worthless things. As children develop their imitation skills, they first begin to imitate those around them (mother, father, etc.) and admire them. We often witness words or thoughts such as 'When I grow up, I will be strong like my father' or 'I will be beautiful like my mother' during childhood. Later, as the child explores his/her surroundings and his/her priorities change, the people and characteristics they admire change. The degree of admiration and emulation is important. In other words, if the child imitates the person he admires exactly, or if this admiration prevents the child from carrying out his responsibilities, we can talk about admiration at the level of a disease. Another name for this is fanaticism. As stated in the question, some children are less attentive, while others are more affected. There are some determining factors here. The child's personality structure, the guidance of the family and environment, the child's intelligence level, judgment skills, etc. like. Especially in children with dependent personality traits, emulation and admiration can reach the level of illness. At the same time, children who cannot identify with their parents may have excessive admiration for other figures. Children with weak judgment and decision-making skills may take the easy way out and choose to imitate a famous and admired person around them. Children with strong imagination or poor ability to evaluate reality are also at risk. The incidence of many psychiatric diseases increases in children whose enthusiasm and admiration are at the level of a disease.
Early age How can it be interpreted that it is seen even in the pre-adolescent period? Technological developments, the internet, etc. Is it possible to talk about its effect?
I think that children's exposure to technology does not lead to the early development of emulation and admiration, but to the emulation and admiration of others. Because the development of a child's imitation skill is under the direct influence of external stimuli. In other words, the more often he sees and hears what he imitates, the more he imitates or envies it. If children spend time with the TV or computer and other objects rather than with their parents, they will imitate and admire what they see there. Unfortunately, many families cannot protect their children from the negative effects of the media and the internet. For this reason, children are more influenced by popular culture. The lives, behaviors and discourses of the imaginary and real representatives of this culture in our country and around the world can set negative examples for the healthy development of children. It is also a fact that parents are under the influence of technology and do not pay enough attention to their children or take the wrong approach.
What should be the attitude of the family in such cases? How should they convey their unwelcome wishes to their children?
Families should pay close attention to their children frequently. They should provide good examples to their children and keep them away from bad and wrong examples. For this reason, they should be aware of the content of what they watch and follow, limit their time according to their age, and prevent negative situations. They should highlight the positive aspects of the people they admire and explain their negative aspects to their children. They should not meet the child's excessive demands because this may cause dissatisfaction in children. Showing the real needs of children and setting goals for them in life are the most important duties of parents. If children have disease-level admiration and emulation and families cannot cope with this, they need to consult a specialist.
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