What are the Symptoms of Conical Bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis is called permanent inflammation of the membranes of the bronchial tubes in the lungs. It is a disease seen in people who live in cities with air pollution and in smokers.

By what means is it transmitted?

Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. In the case we mentioned, the transmission of viruses or bacteria that cause exacerbation occurs through the respiratory tract.


Chronic bronchitis if there is cough and sputum production for two consecutive years and at least three months of each year. existence is in question. However, in order to say this, the patient must not have another chronic disease that will cause cough and sputum, such as tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, lung cancer, heart failure. There is no restriction in respiratory functions in chronic bronchitis. When respiratory functions begin to be restricted, these patients are diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). In chronic bronchitis or COPD, intercurrent infections, especially during the winter months, cause patients' cough and sputum to increase. Sputum is usually colored.


In case of acute exacerbation in chronic bronchitis patients, antibiotics are generally included in the treatment as deemed appropriate by the physician, since bacteria will be added even in the presence of viral infection. Apart from this, bronchial narrowing and airway edema that may occur during periods of infection are evaluated along with expectorant and expectorant drugs, and if necessary, bronchodilator and airway edema-relieving drugs are added to the treatment.

What to do? ?

It is recommended that chronic bronchitis patients avoid contact with sick people, especially during flu epidemics, consult a physician when they have a flu infection, and get a flu vaccine every year in the fall. Staying away from smoking, not drinking and not allowing people to smoke is the most correct and necessary course of action to be taken to protect against chronic bronchitis and COPD.

Symptoms and Treatment of Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is inflammation of the windpipe and bronchi. Generally, infections and, rarely, various chemical or physical agents that irritate the respiratory tract can cause bronchitis. The most common lower respiratory tract infection is acute bronchitis. It is more common in winter months.

N Which ways is it transmitted?

It usually occurs together with or following an upper respiratory tract infection. People who have colds and flu, those who stay indoors for a long time and those who work in unventilated places are more at risk, and people who smoke also get bronchitis more easily.


Viral factors are responsible for the majority of acute bronchitis. Non-virus microorganisms are effective in very few of them. Sometimes, a bacterial infection is added to the ground weakened by the viral disease. The most important symptom in acute bronchitis is cough. Although the condition usually improves within days, it may rarely take up to 2-3 weeks. While there is usually a dry cough in the beginning, there may be a small amount of sputum, which is thick in consistency, usually white in color, and sticky. Cough duration and frequency increase in bronchitis in smokers. Fever may occur. The diagnosis of acute bronchitis is made with a good history and physical examination. This is also important in making the differential diagnosis of acute bronchitis from other lung diseases and some heart diseases that cause similar findings.


If bacterial infection is suspected, antibiotic treatment should be administered under the supervision of a physician. Treatment of acute bronchitis is symptomatic treatment aimed at relieving complaints. Control of cough is important.

What to do

In the presence of weakness, bed rest is required, if there is fever, the fever should be reduced, and plenty of fluid intake (water, light, linden, etc.) is required. Smoking should definitely not be used.

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