Food;are plant and animal tissues that are edible and consist of nutrients necessary for life when eaten. Once digestion begins, foods are separated into nutritional elements and used in the body in this way.

Nutritional elements are divided into two groups as organic and inorganic nutrients that are essential for life.

Organic Foods

Inorganic Nutrients

Organic nutrients:

1) Carbohydrates:55-60% of daily energy comes from carbohydrates. They are the food groups that are most easily digested and converted into energy. They are divided into 2: simple and complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates mix into the blood more quickly and cause blood sugar to rise rapidly.

1 gram of carbohydrate provides 4 kcal of energy.

2) Proteins: They are the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the body. It is the basic building block of cells. 12-15% of daily energy is provided by proteins. 1gr of protein provides 4 kcal of energy. Foods of both plant and animal origin contain protein.

  • Eggs (animal source)
  • Meat, poultry, fish and dairy products(animal source)
  • Legumes (vegetable source)are sources of quality protein.
  • 3) Fats: They are flavorful. 1 gram of fat provides 9 kcal of energy. Fats enable fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK) to be used more effectively by the body.
    25-30% of daily energy is provided by fats.Saturated and unsaturated They are divided into two as fats.

    (Milk and dairy products, butter, cream, meat, chicken and eggs are in this group.)

    (Olives and olive oil (omega 9), hazelnuts-walnuts-almonds (omega3) and corn-soybean-sunflower oil (omega 6) are included in this group.)

    Only fish and fish oil( omega 3) are foods that are in the group of unsaturated fats, although they are of animal origin.

    4) Vitamins:they are necessary for life and for the continuation of metabolic events in the body. fiber content. Fat- and water-soluble vitamins cannot be produced by the body, they are taken from outside with food. They have high antioxidant content.

    1)Minerals:They do not contain energy, they serve as catalysts in many metabolic events in the body.
    The most important minerals arecalcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, iodine and zinc >.Many diseases may develop in its deficiency.
    Adequate mineral needs are met from foods of both plant and animal origin.

    2) Water: It is at least as important as oxygen in the human body. It plays an important role in digestion, absorption and transportation. It is important in the control of body temperature.

    Adults need to drink an average of 1.5 -2 liters of water.

    All kinds of foods contain organic and inorganic nutritional molecules in different amounts. .Every individual needs sufficient amounts of nutrients to live a healthy life.

    In order to have a quality diet and protect our health;

    Changes in our nutrition in recent years

    Natural nutrition methods


    Modern Nutrition Methods




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