Erectile dysfunction, erectile failure, erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, impotence and impotence are terms that express sexual arousal disorder in men. It can be defined as a persistent and recurrent inability to form or maintain the erection necessary for sexual intercourse. It is seen as a situation where the person cannot achieve an erection at all and occurs in certain situations or with some partners. In a study conducted by the Sexual Health Institute in Turkey, 60% of adult men were found to have erectile dysfunction at various levels. Unfortunately, less than 10% of men receive treatment.
Erection problem occurs due to physical or psychological reasons. A man who has an erection problem due to a physiological reason cannot get an erection at night or in the morning. In addition, if he has a slight insufficiency, he can get erect in the morning and cannot get erect again during the day. If the problem is psychological, no physiological problem will be found as a result of physical examination; erectile dysfunction may vary depending on the person, situation or time.
Physiological. The most important organic factors that play a role are capillary problems, neurological drugs and surgical procedures, and hormone-related problems. When negative expectations about performance are added to this, the picture becomes even more negative.
Performance anxiety is the most obvious cause of erectile dysfunction. In fact, performance is a concept related to success. As a result of myths such as 'Man must prove his manhood', 'Man gets hard', 'A man already knows how to get hard', the anxiety of the man who believes that he will achieve his manhood by getting hard increases. The sympathetic system comes into play; The brain detects danger, contracts the body and tries to protect it from danger. In order for a man to become erect, he needs to relax; the parasympathetic system needs to be activated, the body needs to relax and anxiety needs to calm down. But performance anxiety does not allow this. The individual's expectations regarding his performance and thoughts about the problems that may arise as a result of inadequate performance cause him to experience intense anxiety and anxiety. Avoiding sexual intercourse may cause sexual reluctance and depressive symptoms.
Feelings of guilt may also occur. It may cause erection problems. Extramarital affairs cause the guilt experienced to be expressed as erectile dysfunction in men.
There are some sexual myths and exaggerated expectations that force men, such as 'The man must always be as good as nails', 'The man should never say no', etc. These myths increase the individual's anxiety and cause the disorder to occur.
Problems such as communication problems within the relationship, inability to solve problems and inability to express emotions cause the man to experience some negative emotions and express this by experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Every man can have an erection naturally, without any stimulation; Under appropriate conditions and with appropriate stimulants, one may experience erectile dysfunction. An individual who considers himself unsuccessful in a situation where he does not expect erectile dysfunction believes that he will experience the same problem every time, and this belief confirms itself.
Stress and tension in the individual's life cause erection problems. Problems experienced during the day, problems that cannot be solved, and communication defects increase men's tension even more. A man who wants to have sex to get rid of the negative emotions he is experiencing may experience erectile dysfunction because he cannot relax anyway.
Aging, some medications used, lifestyle and some chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease) cause erectile dysfunction.
Emotions that are not expressed through communication are expressed through the body. Problems between spouses cause negative emotions. When these negative emotions are not expressed verbally, the man may express this through erectile dysfunction. Enabling the expression of emotions between spouses is a good solution.
Erectile dysfunction should be viewed as a relationship problem between spouses, not as a man's problem. When the problem is approached through the relationship, the man's feelings of guilt are relieved and the treatment process is accelerated.
A special treatment plan is prepared for the couple. The psychotherapy process is started with a physical examination, psychological examination and a multi-pronged treatment plan.
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