What Diseases Does Pediatric Neurology Treat?

Child neurology is the branch of expertise that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of brain, spinal cord, nerve and muscle diseases of children between the ages of 0-18. Neurological examinations, causes of diseases, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of individuals in this age group, where growth and development continue, unlike adults, require a different approach and expertise. It deals with the neurological follow-up of premature and risky babies, diagnosis and treatment of many neurological diseases such as seizures, developmental disorders, fainting, walking and behavioral disorders, brain traumas, headaches, epilepsy, autism, muscle and nerve injuries, and paralysis. Physicians of the department, also defined as pediatric neurology, complete 6 years of medical school education and then specialize in child health and diseases for 4 years and receive 3 years of child neurology subspecialty training.

Neurological development in the womb

Periods in which the central nervous system develops most rapidly; the period in the womb and the first months after birth. The neural layer begins to form in the first three weeks of the baby in the womb, and in the 5th week, the formation of the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain is completed. In the 22nd week, the process of covering the neurons with a myelin sheath, called myelination, begins. This development, which can also be called the development of the nervous system, continues until adulthood. Other factors such as environmental factors, increased blood pressure during pregnancy, known as pregnancy toxemia, edema and protein in the urine, or the inability of the placenta to ensure the healthy development of the baby, negatively affect myelination and lead to deterioration in brain functions. During the period when the development of the fetal brain volume is at its highest, from the 5th month to the 6th month after birth, some such diseases can cause the head and head circumference to be small due to underdevelopment, that is, microcephaly.

Diseases that child neurology deals with

The diseases followed by pediatric neurologists are quite diverse as they concern the brain and nervous system. Diagnosis and treatment of many diseases such as brain injuries, strokes, microcephaly and cerebral palsy that develop during pregnancy and birth concern child neurology. S, also known as floppy baby syndrome Age-related neurodevelopmental disorders such as MA, walking delay, learning and attention problems; Diseases that cause changes in consciousness and occur in attacks, such as seizures with or without fever, headache, epilepsy, fainting; Muscle diseases and ataxias that cause weakness and imbalance, sleep disorders, tics and involuntary movement disorders are also diseases treated by child neurology. Some of these diseases are as follows:

Many different diseases originating from the brain and nervous system fall within the scope of child neurology. A detailed history is very important for diagnosis. After completing the physical and neurological examination, the specialist physician applies radiological methods such as EEG, MRI, cranial ultrasonography and some metabolic and developmental evaluation tests to assist in diagnosis when deemed necessary. Once the diagnosis is clarified, treatment is arranged taking into account the patient's condition. For a healthy life, do not forget to have routine health checks for yourself and your loved ones.

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