Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition of altered bowel movements characterized by unexplained abdominal discomfort or pain. It progresses with changes in defecation habits such as diarrhea and constipation that occur/increase in severity during periods of high stress or emotional tension. Although the exact causes are not known, impaired intestinal flora, decreased immune function, food allergy or intolerance, altered bowel movements may cause IBS. It generally manifests itself in the form of abdominal pain or discomfort in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation and bloating. Since there is no specific test used in the diagnosis, the diagnosis is made through the symptoms and this is a very difficult process. After the diagnosis is made, the treatment process comes. There is currently no definitive treatment for IBS. In these patients, it is recommended to change the lifestyle and dietary habits as a priority. In medical treatment, the application is made according to the symptoms of the person. Now let's see how we should eat in IBS, general nutritional recommendations should be determined according to the symptoms of the patient. For example, in case of diarrhea, a low-fiber diet, in case of constipation, a high-fiber diet, in cases where diarrhea and constipation are seen together, 20 grams of bran should be added daily in addition to a low-fiber diet. Adequate fluid intake should be ensured, and should be fed little and often. Gas-forming foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine-containing drinks, bitter spices should not be consumed. Raw vegetables, fruits and milk should be consumed in a controlled manner as they increase symptoms. Of course, there are new dietary approaches for this disease, one of which is the Low FODMAP diet. If I talk briefly about this diet, it can prevent bloating, gas, abdominal pain complaints by choosing foods that are not fermented in the intestines and can be digested directly. Although there are positive studies on this diet, more studies are needed. Finally, consumption of probiotic foods or probiotic supplementation is also important for the protection of our intestinal flora, and considering the effect of vitamin D on the immune system, vitamin D supplementation is also important if there is a deficiency.
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