Deviation, that is, a crooked nose, is a serious health problem that affects a large part of the society and is often not noticed by patients. Patients may not realize that they have deviations because they have vague complaints such as dry mouth, sleep problems, snoring, waking up tired in the morning, cough, bad breath and fatigue, and that they have such complaints because they cannot breathe. Most of them are diagnosed during examination.
Once diagnosed, the only treatment is surgery. There is no medical treatment. Depending on the structure of the patient's nose, only bone curvature, that is, deviation, can be corrected, but if there is an accompanying distortion and deformation, this may also need to be corrected in the same session.
The surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia. I prefer general anesthesia. If the surgery is only for deviation, the incisions are made from the inside and there is no trace of the surgery on the outside. Surgery time is approximately 20 minutes. I do not apply tampons to the patient after the operation. For this, I stitch the patient's nose with dissolvable threads. The patient can be discharged on the same day. and if he wishes, he can return to his normal life by returning to work the next day.
The patient's treatment is completed after a check-up is performed in the first week of the surgery.
When nose surgery is mentioned, septoplasty performed on the nose is Rhinoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgeries should be understood. The most fearful aspect of nose surgeries is the tampons and similar materials placed in the nose after the surgery. Apart from being placed in the nose, they also need to be removed. Removing such material from a operated nose can be quite painful. In order to prevent this situation, which is a nightmare for our patients, I perform the operations with a special suturing technique that I have been using for many years. T� All our operations are performed under general anesthesia.
Septoplasty takes approximately 20 minutes and after the operation, when the patient recovers from anesthesia, he is discharged after a 3-hour rest period. A check-up is performed during the week of the operation. This is sufficient for septoplasty operations. However, in rhinoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgery operations, controls may increase depending on the patient's condition
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