They lived happily ever after...
Each individual starts a relationship with the promise of eternal happiness, which he has heard from fairy tales for years. And one of the few formulas for this promise
to come true; reviewing your love and finding the elements of "INCERTAINTY", "ATTACHMENT" and "PASSION" in your love.
-Friend, comrade, confidant with your spouse , be friends.
- Be really there for each other in good and bad times.
-To gain an edge, never talk about your partner's weaknesses alone or with others.
< br /> -Always and everywhere to be polite and loving language towards your spouse. Don't change your attitude in front of your friends or family.
-Listen to what your spouse is telling you with the same emotion as your spouse. If he's talking about an exciting topic, get excited too. If she is unhappy, share her unhappiness.
-Most importantly, have unconditional compassion for each other.
-About your spouse Do not confuse your thoughts with your own thoughts. You say that your spouse lied because he came home late; You may think he is a liar. But you can give your spouse the right to speak first and listen to the truth.
-When you have a problem, first listen to what your spouse has to say; Try to understand.
If necessary, speak in turn without interrupting each other.
-Don't act as if your partner realized your thoughts. Switch to the phone while your spouse is at work
and when all kinds of things go through your mind, quiet your mind and believe in your spouse.
you know that there is a very high probability that he/she will be in the meeting, just remember.
-Repeat past events over and over again.
Don't call today. Try to solve your problems as soon as possible. Don't say, "Let him do it again, then I'll show you." Don't forget the love, compassion and respect inside you even in discussions.
-The intimacy with your spouse from the first day� Don't lose yourself.
-Always look at each other's good and attractive sides.
-Never mock or hurt, especially in front of others.
-Your conversation is always lively Take care to keep it.
A love affair consists of two people; you and your spouse, your partner. It is up to you to make this two-person world beautiful.
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